Burner for bio-fireplace with own hands

Modern trends in the décor of the home increasingly imply environmental friendliness and simplicity. This includes also the fireplaces, which are so popular in our homes. Now widely used are so-called biofireplaces, fuel for which, when burning, do not pollute the air with combustion products, and, therefore, do not require a chimney. There is a ready bio-fireplace, by the way, not cheap. However, if you want, you can make it yourself. True, many owners of skilled hands are faced with the problem of creating a burner for a bio fireplace. We offer you several ideas.

Burner for bio-fireplace with own hands - option 1

Even a child can do such a very simple burner (but under the sharp eye of adults!). For work you will need: a can or paint and a ceramic plate with a flat bottom.


  1. In the role of a homemade burner for biofireplaces we will use a tin can, which needs to be cleaned from the remains of food, labels inside and out. If there is a lid, it needs to be removed.
  2. In a flat plate, pour a little water, put a tin can in the middle.
  3. Pour a small amount of biofuel into the jar.
  4. Decorate the plate with natural stones.

Such a burner can already be used as a bio fireplace: just light the biofuel inside the can. However, for greater safety, we recommend placing the burner in a frame of glass.

How to make a burner for a bio fireplace - option 2

If you refer yourself to aesthetes, then the simple solution described above will not work for you. Therefore, we suggest you create a burner, similar to the one that is sold in a specialized store. The device for a bio fireplace burner is easy - it's a closed container.

Inside it is a container of a smaller size with glass wool, playing the role of a wick. From above there is a damper, which regulates the flame or extinguishes it.

The capacity is cooked according to the drawing of the bio fireplace burner from a sheet of metal (for example, stainless steel) with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm.

For the work of the fireplace biofuel is carefully poured into the opening of the flap with a watering can.