Intrauterine fetal death

Intrauterine fetal death in a desired pregnancy is always a serious shock for parents. As a rule, in a child's death a woman is inclined to blame herself. In fact, there are a lot of reasons that can lead to fetal death. Moreover - it is not always possible to find out the true problem.

Causes of fetal death

The main causes of fetal death are:

Signs of intrauterine fetal death

The most obvious symptoms of intrauterine death are the absence of fetal movements. This symptom refers to the second half of pregnancy, whereas for the first trimester, a sudden cessation of toxicosis can be indicated. Fetal death is also suspected in the absence of growth and weight gain.

A reliable indication of the fetal death is the cessation of his heartbeat . Determine the death can also be on the state of the mother: cessation of growth of the uterus and an increase in the abdominal circumference, general weakness, abnormal discharge, discomfort in the abdomen. The exact diagnosis of intrauterine fetal death can only be made by a doctor after a series of tests. The most accurate result is obtained by ultrasound, on which it is possible to trace the heartbeat and movements of the fetus.