Dexamethasone - injections during pregnancy

Dexamethasone refers to hormonal drugs. In fact, it is a synthetic analogue of glucocorticosteroids, which are synthesized directly in the adrenal cortex.

Indications for use of the drug

As a rule, the medicine is prescribed for various kinds of allergic reactions, the treatment of which causes difficulty with the use of classical medicines. However, not only with these disorders, a medicine can be used. The list of his indications for use is great:

Dexamethasone is prescribed for pregnancy and as injections. Consider the drug in more detail, try to answer the question of a large number of expectant mothers - for which prescribe injections of dexamethasone to pregnant women.

In what cases is the drug used for gestation?

To begin with, it should be noted that during the period of bearing the baby, not one drug is groundlessly assigned. That's why a woman should strictly follow the doctor's instructions, carry out his recommendations.

With regard to specific violations, which are an indication for the use of Dexamethasone, one of the most terrible of them is non-sleep. This is a pathological phenomenon in which two or more previous gestations ended in abortion. Often, such a violation occurs on the hormonal background, is associated with an increase in the concentration of male sex hormones in the blood of a future mother. It's Dexamethasone that helps to reduce their volume.

Also, according to the instructions for use, injections of dexamethasone during pregnancy can be used in the presence of such complications of the gestation process as ischemic-cervical insufficiency. It is this violation is fraught with the development of premature birth, exacerbation of existing chronic diseases (rheumatism).

Also, Dexamethasone injections are often prescribed for pregnant women in order to stimulate the acceleration of the ripening process of the fetal respiratory system, as well as to partially suppress maternal immunity. In such cases, injections of Dexamethasone during pregnancy are appointed in late terms, starting from 28-30 weeks of gestation.

What are the side effects of Dexamethasone injections used in pregnancy?

In fact, their list is huge. Let's note the most dangerous:

Given these facts, the drug is used with extreme caution.