How to cause childbirth at 40 weeks of pregnancy?

Pregnant women who do not have any signs of delivery at the 40th week of pregnancy often think about how to induce them. Let's look at the most effective and most common methods of stimulation.

How can I give birth at week 40?

It is worth noting that the most famous, but not all equally effective, is making love. This method can be attributed to one of the safest, because in fact is a natural stimulation. The thing is that male ejaculate contains a high concentration of prostaglandin, a hormone that helps soften the uterine neck and stimulates its opening.

Also, if you talk about how you can independently induce birth at 40 weeks of gestation, then it must be said that often doctors recommend that women stimulate their nipples. In this case, the movements should be gentle, soft. Continue the procedure until you have uncomfortable sensations.

Among the ways that you can cause childbirth at a time such as 40 weeks, you can not call physical activity. Doctors often recommend to walk more often, do not use the elevator, and climb the stairs. However, in such cases, it is best if the woman is accompanied by someone. as a result of an increase in the tone of uterine myometrium, labor can begin right during a long walk (especially in the re-parenting).

What folk remedies help trigger the onset of the birth process?

Often, women who are pacing pregnancy, more experienced mothers and some doctors, are advised to use folk methods.

First of all, in the diet it is necessary to increase the percentage of fresh vegetables and greens, such as beets, parsley. Fruit will not be superfluous. These food crops are rich in fiber, which has a pronounced laxative effect. This will contribute to an increase in the contractile activity of the muscles of the myometrium and provoke the onset of contractions.

Also, when answering the question of women, as in 40 weeks you can call birth while at home, folk healers recommend eating a decoction of raspberries. For its preparation, it is better to use dried leaves, which are insisted and taken at least 4 times a day for 1 cup.

Castor oil can also be used to stimulate the birth process. So, in a fresh orange juice add 50-60 g of butter and drink. In this case, the increase in peristaltic movements of the intestine leads to stress in the uterine musculature, which causes contractions.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that all such actions for the stimulation of labor should be approved and agreed with the supervising physician. And best of all, if this process will deal with qualified professionals.