Effect of color on the human psyche

Surely you noticed how the mood changes under the influence of color, even trying on a dress "cheerful" colors, we begin to smile involuntarily. It is interesting that the influence of colors on the human psyche is known for a long time, but it was relatively recently that it was taken seriously. A big role in this was played by the development of the advertising industry, which made the use of color to stimulate buyers ubiquitous. Also, the influence of color on the human psyche became interested in psychology, having developed a special method - color therapy. In combination with the musical accompaniment, this approach allows you to cope with many disorders, great for overcoming stressful situations.

Influence of flowers on the human psyche

Red - exciting provocative, presence in clothes gives confidence. Helps to cope with fatigue, quickens the pulse. Overabundance can cause irritability, overexcitation, increased appetite. Neutralize the influence of red on the human psyche will help the green color.

Orange - enhances the mood, stimulates creative thinking . Ornaments using orange or a scarf of this color will help to look more optimistically at the world. The surplus can make you scattered. Blue is used to neutralize the effect.

Yellow - even more cheerful than orange, improves thinking ability, gives confidence and gives energy. In a gloomy day, yellow clothes will improve mood. Too much color causes mental overwork. Reducing the influence of yellow color on the human psyche can be done with the help of violet shades.

Green - a soothing color, symbolizes unity with nature, relieves tension, and his presence in clothes will give peace. Excessive use of dark green can cause depression. Reduces the effect.

Turquoise - relaxes, promotes self-expression, decorations with turquoise enhance the sense of peace. The surplus of color will lead to peremptoriness and stubbornness. Neutralized pink.

Violet - strengthens empathy, is able to cope with a headache, stimulates intuition, relaxes. Excess of a light shade will make dreamy, and the predominance of purple will create an oppressed mood . Yellow is suitable for compensation.

Blue - the personification of harmony, contributes to the knowledge of the new, calms, relieves pain, reduces blood pressure and improves sleep. Use in clothes will help to have to themselves interlocutors, causing them respect and trust. Reduces the influence of the shades of orange.

Pink - inspires confidence, increases stress resistance, makes you more responsive. Excess bright color causes excitement. Neutralized by turquoise.

The influence of color on the psyche of a child

The influence of flowers is especially important when considering the selection of children's clothing, furniture for children, toys and bed-clothes. In principle, colors affect children in the same way as adults, but there are nuances. For example, red toys and clothes can be used only for sluggish and apathetic children, since the influence of this color on the psyche of the active child will be negative, making the baby aggressive and restless. But the green, on the contrary, apathetic children is not suitable. Therefore, choosing the outfits for the child, it is necessary to be guided by his character, and not by a strange rule: boys - blue, girls - pink.