Rheumatoid arthritis - diagnosis, symptoms, treatment

Most of all cases of early disability (about 70%) occur because of rheumatoid arthritis. This systemic pathology affects connective tissue, mainly small joints. Destructive processes are combined with complex autoimmune mechanisms, resulting in inflammation and destruction of cartilaginous tissues.

Until now, there are no factors that provoke rheumatoid arthritis - the diagnosis of symptoms and the treatment of the disease is carried out in accordance with the subjective history of a particular patient. The main difficulty of therapy is the absence of specific signs of the disease and its slow progression.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Early clinical manifestations of the described ailment:

Then the general symptoms of pathology are observed:

Diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis consists of a thorough analysis of the patient's complaints and the presence of the above signs. Additional research is also required:

The main treatment for the symptoms and manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis joints

The disease in question requires systematic therapy, as it tends to recur even in prolonged and persistent periods of remission.

Modern treatment consists in the use of drugs from 4 pharmacological groups:

Other therapeutic measures are selected by a rheumatologist in accordance with the localization of the inflammatory process, its severity, state of health, lifestyle and age of the patient.

Characteristic symptoms and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis of the knee joint

The defeat of such large joints inevitably leads to a partial or complete loss of mobility, walking ability. Knees are strongly deformed, as if they are turning outward. Patients suffer from intense, "gnawing" pain, especially with physical exertion, even minor ones.

To the basic treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in this case, intraarticular injections of corticosteroids are added, as well as physiotherapy:

Specific symptoms and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis of the foot

In addition to the previously listed symptoms, if the joints of the foot are damaged, patients feel:

Therapeutic measures for the described inflammation localization are complemented by the selection of special orthopedic insoles, massage, phonophoresis with hydrocortisone.

Also, the use of anticytokine and antilymphocytic drugs (Remicade, Orencia, Actemra, Mabtera and others) is recommended.

Treatment and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis of the hands, elbow and shoulder joints

These parts of the body are more often subjected to pathological changes due to rheumatritis. One of the most obvious signs of the disease in this case is the presence of a defoguration and deformation:

Therapy of a chronic progressive form of the disease in this situation involves the use of all previously proposed techniques. With the persistent development of rheumatoid arthritis, injections of radioactive yttrium or gold into the joint are prescribed.