Teething canines in children

Teething in children begins on average at the age of 6 months, but within the limits of the norm deviations towards an earlier or later eruption are possible. If the child does not have a single tooth a year, it is worthwhile to see a doctor - this may indicate a metabolic disorder and even rickets. Just be wary if the baby is born with teeth or they appear in the first 2-3 months of life.

Teeth erupt in opposite pairs - on the upper and lower jaw. By the year the child, as a rule, already has 8 teeth. Teething canines in children begins in about 16-20 months. First, the fangs of a child on the lower jaw, and then on the upper jaw, climb. The first teeth of a child in general are not easy for him and his parents, but the fangs grow particularly painful.

Teething canines in children: symptoms

Thus, if the process of teething is accompanied by a high temperature, a runny nose, reddening of the throat, one should not expect that "it will pass itself" after the fangs come out. These symptoms indicate an infectious disease and require a doctor.

When do fangs change in children?

Beginning from the age of 6-7 years, the baby teeth gradually drop out, giving way to permanent teeth. The growth of new teeth occurs according to the same pattern as dairy teeth - first the front incisors first, then the lateral ones. Persistent fangs in children appear when dairy products drop out - after 8-9 years. The alignment of the dental arcs is completed in about 11-12 years, and by the age of 17-25 the last molars - the so-called wisdom teeth - grow.