Streptodermia in children - causes and rapid treatment with safe methods

Local immunity of babies is formed slowly and for a long time, therefore they are more susceptible to bacterial lesions. The chances of developing streptodermia are further increased due to the impossibility of complying with all the necessary hygiene rules and frequent minor skin lesions.

Streptodermia - Causes

For the appearance of the pathology in question, three factors are necessary:

  1. Weakened immunity. To reduce the activity of the protective system can chronic diseases, viral infections, helminthiases, intoxications and other problems.
  2. Damage to the skin or mucous membrane. Small wounds, abrasions, micro-traumas and scratches serve as "entrance gates" for pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Source of bacteria. Streptococcus on the skin lives constantly, as well as on the mucous epithelium. If microbes enter damaged areas, they become active and multiply rapidly, provoking an inflammatory process.

Is streptoderma invasive?

In addition to self-infection with their own bacteria, a child may become ill due to external contacts. The answer to the question whether streptodermia is contagious in children is positive. The pathogenic microorganisms described are stable in the environment. They often fall on the skin with household items (towels, dishes) and soft toys. Similarly, streptodermia in children is transmitted by contact with an apparently healthy carrier of microbes. The most dangerous is the infection from the patient with any pathologies that cause the causative agent.

Streptodermia in children - symptoms

The clinical picture of the disease depends on its shape and severity. There are 2 groups of signs that accompany streptoderma - symptoms are divided into general and specific. The first clinical manifestations occur in the early stages of disease progression. They are peculiar to a variety of other infections, so it is difficult to suspect streptodermia in children immediately. The second group of symptoms is characteristic only of the pathology under consideration.

Streptodermia - incubation period

Specific symptoms of the disease do not appear immediately after infection. Streptococcal pyoderma in children first develops secretly. The incubation period of skin disease lasts about 7 days from the time of infection. If the baby's immunity functions normally, the body copes with bacteria on its own and the pathology proceeds easily.

How does streptodermia start in children?

Early symptoms of the disease are nonspecific, so parents rarely turn to the pediatrician at the first stages of the pathology. The general clinical picture of how streptodermia begins resembles other diseases:

Misconceptions arise because streptodermia in children is first accompanied by such signs:

Rash with streptoderma

In the process of disease progression, specific manifestations appear. It is impossible to describe the general clinical picture of what streptococcus looks like on the skin. The pathology under consideration has several forms, each of which has its own external symptoms and flow features. Variants, as streptodermia in children looks:

  1. Bullous impetigo. The rash appears on the skin of the feet and shins, brushes, less often on other parts of the body. It represents large blisters with serous-purulent contents (bullae). After their opening, open erosions remain on the epidermis.
  2. Streptococcal impetigo. Rashes are localized on the skin of the face, feet, hands and other open areas of the body. First, small bubbles with cloudy contents (flickenes) are formed, which quickly fall off or are arbitrarily opened, being replaced by a light yellow crust. After its separation, dark pink spots remain on the skin.
  3. Sleveled impetigo. In the common people - zaeda. Single flickens appear in children in the corners of the lips, sometimes in the folds of the wings of the nose and eyelids.
  4. Dry streptoderma (erythemato-squamous). On the skin pink or reddish spots are formed, covered with light flaking scales. Wetting elements, blisters, crusts and erosions are not present.
  5. Panaritium (Tournament). This form of the disease is often diagnosed in children who comb the eruptions with streptococcal impetigo. Bacteria from fliken fall into the peri-oral grooves, provoking acute inflammation. The skin becomes swollen, red, painful, covered with blisters and erosions.
  6. Vulgar hormone. The most severe type of pathology, characterized by damage to the deep layers of the skin with the death of tissue and the formation of large ulcers. Erosions are localized mainly on the buttocks and lower extremities.
  7. Streptococcal intertrigo. Secondary disease is more common in young children. Pathology develops against the background of standard diaper rash and dermatitis. The rash looks like blisters with muddy contents, prone to fusion. After their opening, painful cracks develop on the skin.

Temperature at streptoderma in children

The disease under consideration is accompanied by an inflammatory process, so it can provoke hyperthermia. Streptococcus on the skin in children causes a reaction of the immune system, which tries to suppress the reproduction and spread of bacteria by increasing body temperature. The heat quickly drops if adequate treatment is started in time.

Streptodermia - complications

In most cases, the child normally tolerates the disease without dangerous consequences. With weak immunity, streptodermia in children occurs in the form of vulgar ecthyma. This kind of pathology is difficult to treat, but it can be treated with strong antibiotics. Very rarely streptococcal pyoderma provokes the following complications:

Streptodermia in children - treatment

Effective therapy of pathology involves an integrated approach, including systemic and local drugs. Streptoderma - treatment of the baseline:

  1. Do not bathe the baby for 3-5 days, do not soak the rash.
  2. Healthy skin areas and mucous membranes should be gently wiped with a cotton swab soaked in chamomile broth or alternating.
  3. Handle antiseptic minor damage to the epidermis (if any).
  4. Do not allow the child to scratch the affected area.
  5. Remove soft toys (wash in hot water, steam off), plastic - daily wash.
  6. To allocate the kid a personal towel (should hang separately from the others), a set of utensils and table accessories.
  7. Frequently change and iron baby bedding, pillowcases - every day.
  8. Regularly clean the baby's room, restrict access to healthy family members.

Ointment from streptoderma

Local drugs are selected and prescribed only by the pediatrician in accordance with the form and severity of the disease. Before applying the ointment, the rashes are treated with any disinfectant solution:

There are two options than treating streptodermia. Dried antiseptic preparations (zinc, salicylic paste) are suitable for the treatment of lungs and limited forms of the disease. In other cases, ointments with antibiotics or hormones are recommended:

Tablets from streptoderma

Systemic treatment is also developed exclusively by the pediatrician. Independently prescribe antibiotics and other potent drugs is dangerous, especially if streptodermia is diagnosed in young children. To alleviate the symptoms of the pathology, antipyretic drugs (Ibuprofen, Nurofen) and antihistamines (Tavegil, Suprastin) are used. At the expressed progression of bacterial defeat the antimicrobial medicine against streptoderma in tablets is appointed:

Treatment of streptoderma with folk remedies

Alternative therapies are used only as ancillary techniques, which provide a softening of the clinical picture of the disease. Before treating streptodermia in children with any folk remedies, it is important to consult a pediatrician. Doctors favor the additional use of decoctions from plants with antiseptic properties.

Streptodermia in children - treatment at home with herbs


Preparation, application

  1. Mix the herbs.
  2. Pour boiling water 1 h. Spoon collection.
  3. Insist 1 hour.
  4. Strain the solution.
  5. Give the child 0.5 cup of medicine 40 minutes before meals.

Means for treatment of rashes with streptoderma in children


Preparation, application

  1. Grind vegetable raw materials.
  2. Pour it with boiling water.
  3. Insist liquid for 1.5 hours.
  4. Strain agent.
  5. With this solution, treat the rashes before bed.
  6. Oak bark can be replaced with flowers of chamomile, sage grass or celandine.