Certificate of vaccination

One of the first documents issued today to the mother of a newborn child is a certificate of preventive vaccination. In some cases, it may be issued even earlier than the birth certificate, and in most cases - at the first visit of the mother with the baby at the polyclinic at the place of registration.

This document must be carefully stored for life, because it can be useful to you when you enroll a child in school or kindergarten, when traveling abroad, when preparing a spa card and in other situations.

In this article, we will tell you about what an immunization certificate looks like, and what data is included in it.

What does the vaccination certificate look like?

Usually the certificate of vaccination, or vaccination leaf, as it is called in some regions, is a small booklet of the A5 format, which contains 9 pages. The cover is usually made in blue or white.

The first page of the certificate indicates the patient's full name, date of birth, home address, blood group and Rh factor. At the bottom, the date of issuance and the stamp of the institution issuing the vaccination list must be put down.

Further, the certificate includes information about the person's infectious diseases, as well as all the vaccinations that were done to him throughout his life. In addition, inside the booklet there is a special table for indicating information about the size of the tuberculin test Mantoux.

In addition, in the presence of contraindications to any vaccination, individual reaction to certain medications and other characteristics of the human body, the vaccine list necessarily makes the appropriate entries.

What is the international certificate of vaccination?

To go abroad for permanent residence, as well as sometimes for a short visit to a number of states, it is necessary to issue an international certificate of vaccinations.

This document is a bound booklet, which contains information about the necessary vaccinations. Records are necessarily made in the international English language and are certified by the seal of the medical institution.

In a number of cases, information about vaccination will simply be copied from the certificate you have in your hands, and in other situations you will first have to deliver the necessary vaccinations.