Deep vein thrombosis

According to statistics, about a fifth of the population of our planet in old age will acquire deep vein thrombosis. This disease occurs as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, blood thickening and weakening of the walls of blood vessels. The most common thrombosis of the deep veins of the shin, since this part of the body is the greatest burden throughout life. Let's talk about how to prevent this disease and what can be done if the thrombosis has already manifested itself.

Symptoms of deep vein thrombosis

Such a disease is most often manifested in elderly people, but other categories are at risk. Factors provoking deep vein thrombosis are:

Complexity is caused by the fact that in the initial stage the disease is asymptomatic. In the future, there may be swelling and cyanosis of the lower limbs, pain in the veins. In severe cases, the patient pales skin and the temperature rises.

Deep vein thrombosis treatment

In order to understand how to cure deep vein thrombosis, you need to know exactly the causes of the disease. The main provoking factors are three:

As a result, blood clots (thrombi) settle on damaged areas of the veins. Gradually they increase, and occlusive deep vein thrombosis can develop - a complete blockage of the vessel. This leads to a violation of the blood supply and can cause both tissue necrosis and a heart attack. Another variant of the development of events is a severed thrombus that passes the way to the heart and then enters the respiratory system, which can cause pulmonary embolism. Without the help of doctors, such cases often have a lethal outcome, therefore at the first manifestations of thrombosis it is necessary to turn to a medical institution.

Acute thrombosis of the deep veins helps to defeat thrombolysis, that is, the administration of drugs that dissolve blood clots. If the situation is not so serious, the patient is prescribed anticoagulants-a means that dilute the blood and prevent rapid coagulation. If such treatment is not possible due to drug intolerance, or other reasons, surgery is indicated with the installation of a cava filter that will not allow the thrombus to enter the pulmonary artery and cause serious harm.

Diet for deep vein thrombosis

The disease can be prevented if you take care of your health. The most important factor is the cessation of smoking and other bad habits, the revision of the diet and increased mobility. It is enough to do exercises every day for 10 minutes from a young age, and the probability of deep vein thrombosis in the elderly will be reduced to a minimum. Provided that there will not be aggravating factors, of course. Diet in thrombosis should include a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs, dairy products. You should minimize the consumption of fats of animal origin, refined sugar and baking. There is an opinion that it is also undesirable to consume dairy products.

When thrombosis and its treatment is recommended, bed rest for a week, in addition the doctor can prescribe wearing compression stockings. This will help prevent the development of the disease, and also alleviates the condition of the patient and eliminates pain. In severe cases, compression linen is not indicated, as it can disrupt the already bad outflow of blood.