Types of necrosis

Due to various pathological factors, external or internal, the living tissues of the body can undergo irreversible changes and die. It will not be possible to restore dead cells, but it is quite possible to stop this process, limiting its distribution. For correct treatment it is necessary to know all kinds of necrosis, since the correct differential diagnosis allows to influence the original cause of tissue death, and not its consequences.

The main types of necrosis and the causes of its appearance

In medicine, it is customary to classify the necrosis of cells according to the 3 criteria.

Accordingly, the following forms of the disease are distinguished:

The mechanism of development differentiates direct necrosis, which includes the last two types of diseases from the list above, and an indirect type of pathology, which includes all other forms.

There is also a classification depending on the clinical manifestations of the disease and its morphological characteristics:

The most frequent type of necrosis is ischemic (vascular) death of heart tissue - a heart attack . The remaining forms are found in approximately the same ratio.

Outcome of the main types of necrosis at different stages

There are quite a lot of consequences of the process under consideration. Among them, there are 7 main variants of the course of pathology, on which its preliminary prognosis depends:

  1. Demarcation - there is a fragmentation of dead cells, and around them a focus of reactive inflammation. This ensures the separation of healthy and diseased tissues. In the affected area there is edema and redness, increased blood circulation, which allows leukocytes and phagocytes to independently remove damaged cells.
  2. Organization - replacement of dead tissue with a scar. After the termination of a necrosis on its place there is a scar.
  3. Encapsulation - a site with dead cells is limited to a capsule of connective tissue.
  4. Calcification or petrification is the relative hardening of the necrotic zone due to the accumulation of calcium salts in it (dystrophic calcification).
  5. Ossification is a rare option for continuing calcification, when bone tissue appears on the site of necrosis.
  6. Kistoobrazovanie - the outcome of the colliquative form of the disease.
  7. Meltdown is the most adverse type of consequence of the disease. The hearth with the necrotic tissues melts under the action of purulent processes and pathogenic bacteria .