Conjunctivitis - Symptoms and Treatment

Diagnosing inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye is easy even on their own, carefully examining the specific signs of the disease. It is more difficult to find out exactly what conjunctivitis is developing - the symptoms and treatment of pathology correspond to its variety, as well as to the pathogen. Inflammatory processes can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and allergies, proceed in acute and chronic form.

Symptoms and treatment of bacterial and adenoviral conjunctivitis

Clinical manifestations of the disease in question are approximately the same for microbial and viral origin:

With bacterial and viral conjunctivitis, a thick secret emerges from the eyes. In the first case, it purulent, yellow-green color, provokes clumping of the eyelids in the morning. For a virus disease, serous discharge is characteristic.

Treatment of microbial inflammation involves the use of antibacterial agents:

1. Drops:

2. Ointments:

Therapy of viral conjunctivitis requires appropriate medications with interferon:

1. Drops:

2. Ointments:

Symptoms and treatment of fungal and herpetic conjunctivitis

On the background of coccidiomycosis inflammation of the eye conjunctiva occurs. Signs of pathology are meager, a person experiences mild discomfort, sometimes a small amount of serous secretion is released from the eyes.

Because of implicit symptoms fungal conjunctivitis occurs for a long time, about 10 days, and can cause various complications.

Treatment of the described form of the disease:

1. Antimycotic solutions:

2. Ointments:

In addition, an ophthalmologist can prescribe the use of systemic antifungal medicines.

Herpetic conjunctivitis refers to viral forms of the disease, but due to some characteristics of the pathogen, its therapy is different from the standard antiviral regimen, although the symptoms are the same. To combat herpes, special medicines are prescribed:

1. Drops:

2. Ointments:

Symptoms and treatment of chronic allergic conjunctivitis

In this situation, a typical inflammation of the conjunctiva complements the signs of a pathological immune response - allergic rhinitis, sneezing, swelling of the face.

Therapy of this form of the disease requires immediate administration of antihistamines (Zodak, Zetrin, Zirtek, Claritin and others), as well as the use of local remedies:

1. Drops:

2. Ointments:

In addition to treatment, it is important to exclude contact with the suspected allergen.