Medication for cervical osteochondrosis

It happens that we learn about the diagnosis of osteochondrosis when the disease flows into an acute form, and severe pain begins. Therefore, the medical treatment of cervical osteochondrosis should first of all be aimed at the removal of inflammation and the removal of pain. Only after this, it is possible to carry out conservative treatment and take drugs that prevent deterioration of the interchondral disc of the neck.

What does the medical treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine include?

If we consider all possible ways to treat osteochondrosis of the neck with drugs, they need to be divided into several groups, depending on the action:

If you have cervical osteochondrosis in acute stage, treatment with medicines in the form of tablets and ointments can be useless. In addition, until the inflammation has been eliminated, even the most desperate doctor will not risk prescribing exercise therapy, massages, electrophoresis, paraffin therapy and other physiotherapeutic procedures. The first thing to do is blockade. This is the last resort and it is used only if all other ways to eliminate the pain and remove the swelling are ineffective. During the procedure, the vertebrologist will inject Novokain, Lidocaine, Ketanov or other strong pain medication into the body of the inter-cerebral cartilaginous disc in combination with the adrenal hormone (corticosteroid) analogue preparation:

As a rule, this is the main cause of pain and decreased mobility of the neck.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis of the initial stage with medicines

The blockade is done by a qualified doctor, this is a serious intervention, but it is possible to alleviate the patient's condition at home. Even to all of us, the usual Analgin, Aspirin and No-shpa can help. With cervical osteochondrosis, medication involves loosening pain, relieving inflammation, and eliminating spasm. These drugs will cope with these drugs. They will be found in any medicine cabinet and will help alleviate the sufferings of the patient so that he can go to see a doctor. If you have the opportunity to visit a pharmacy, it is better to purchase more effective medications. Corticosteroids, which quickly and effectively remove inflammation, are non-steroidal agents. It:

They can be in the form of tablets, but they will act much faster when administered intramuscularly, as injections. Strong analgesics are also better for use intramuscularly or intravenously:

Tablets are late and not so long.

Prevention of recurrence of osteochondrosis

Drug treatment of cervical osteochondrosis also includes taking drugs aimed at restoring cartilage tissue and the vertebra itself. These are the hondoprotective preparations:

They are presented in the form of tablets and ointments.

As injections for these purposes are appointed:

They are often used together with drugs to improve blood supply, relieve spasm and tissue relaxation:

These drugs can be replaced with injections of B vitamins and retinoids.

It is important to remember that the disease can cause complications in the work of not only the spine and bone marrow, but also other systems. First of all, osteochondrosis affects the blood supply to the brain, which often causes headache and other accompanying conditions. Since cervical osteochondrosis provokes dizziness, medication can also include drugs that support the work of the vestibular apparatus. For example: