Why does the nose create bloody crusts?

If you find that blood crusts form in your nose, this should alert you. This symptom is also often accompanied by a feeling of dryness in the nasal cavity, burning, itching. Consider why the nose can form blood crusts.

The causes of the appearance of blood crusts in the nose

The most obvious reason for the formation of brownish crusts in the nasal cavity is mechanical damage to the mucosa, a violation of its integrity. Injury can be almost unnoticeable with a finger or, for example, a cotton swab to clean the nasal passages. It can also happen when you hit the nose. Other causes of the appearance of blood crusts may be:

  1. The fragility of blood vessels associated with genetic factors, a lack of vitamins, the abuse of vasoconstrictive nasal solutions.
  2. Excessive stress on the capillaries of the nasal mucosa with repeated bluffing.
  3. Breakthrough furuncle in the nasal cavity. In this case, the appearance of bloody scabs is preceded by pain in the nasal cavity, the presence of swelling and redness, an increase in body temperature.
  4. Drying of the nasal mucosa due to low humidity of the surrounding air, causing damage to the capillaries.
  5. Thinning of the mucous membrane associated with viral infections (eg, with the flu).
  6. Increased intracranial pressure , which may damage the blood vessels in the nose, causing hemorrhage. Other symptoms are headaches, "flies" before the eyes, bruises under the eyes, etc.
  7. Chronic atrophic rhinitis is a disease in which there is a strong thinning of the mucous nasal cavity, accompanied by the formation of dense crusts in the nose, the lack of smell, an unpleasant odor from the nose.