How to take De Nol?

De Nol is a modern anti-ulcer drug. This medicine is related to astringent medicines. But in fact, the effect it provides is much more multi-faceted. To achieve the desired positive effect, you need to know how to properly take De Nol. Otherwise, you can face unpleasant side effects and spend a lot of time on their elimination.

What is De Nol?

The basis of the drug is bismuth subcitrate. In addition to it, De Nol includes such auxiliary components:

In fact, the medicine can be considered an antibiotic of a new generation. He is able to neutralize the action of Helicobacter pylori. In addition, the drug has a powerful anti-inflammatory and astringent effect.

Acts De Nol is very simple. Penetrating into the body, the active substances dissolve and precipitate the proteins, connecting with them. Due to this, a reliable protective film is formed on the mucosa. Moreover, it appears exclusively at the sites of damage - ulcers, erosions .

Before you figure out how to properly take De Nol tablets, you need to understand how they work with pathogens. The composition of the preparation is selected in such a way that it exerts a depressing effect on the enzymatic activity of bacteria. As a result, they lose the opportunity to multiply and will soon die. The huge advantage of the drug is that all the existing strains of bacteria are sensitive to it.

Among the useful properties of De Nol can also be attributed the possibility:

How to take De Nol with gastritis and peptic ulcer?

Because this drug is strong enough, it is not worth taking it without prescribing a doctor. The same medicine is shown for such ailments as:

Suitable for treating children older than 14 years and adults. How many days and how much to take De Nol is determined individually. But as a rule, a standard course is prescribed - four tablets per day, divided into two or four methods:

  1. On the pill for half an hour before meals and one before bedtime.
  2. Two tablets half an hour before meals in the morning and at night.

It is best to swallow the pills completely, with water. The optimal course is a treatment course lasting from four to eight weeks. After its completion, at least two months is not recommended to take any bismuth-containing drugs.

Since third-party chemicals can reduce its effectiveness, it is undesirable to take De Nol along with any drugs, much less antibiotics, milk and food. That's why you should observe a half-hour interval before and after using bismuth subcitrate.

Whether it is possible to take De Nol for prophylaxis should also be determined by a specialist, objectively evaluating the patient's condition. But usually these pills are prescribed exclusively for treatment. For preventive purposes, less active drugs are used.

Contraindications to the use of De Nol:

  1. It is not recommended to drink medicine for children under 14.
  2. De Nol can harm pregnant and lactating mothers.
  3. Bismuth is undesirable in severe kidney diseases.