Tablets from varicose veins

Chronic infringements of a venous circulation demand complex therapy in which, besides local preparations, tablets from a varicose are used. As a rule, they are recommended in the early stages of the disease, when the periods of exacerbation of the pathology alternate with the stages of remission. Also, systemic drugs are effective as prevention, they help slow the progression of the disease.

Do tablets help with varicose veins on the legs?

For the treatment of severe forms of the disease in question, phlebologists are advised to immediately consult a surgeon, since only radical measures (sclerotherapy, radio frequency coagulation, intravenous laser, etc.) help in the late stages of varicose veins.

The presented method of influence is expedient for use in the complex approach at the first signs of the disease, and also for the prevention of its development. Tablets in the treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities produce the following effects:

List of effective tablets from varicose veins on the legs

The drugs of choice for circulatory disorders in the limbs are venotonicks or phlebotonics. These drugs can not completely cure or stop the development of the disease, but they contribute to improving the patient's well-being and reducing the severity of symptoms of the pathology.

Effective tablets against varicose veins:

These funds must be taken in long courses, the duration of treatment is usually not less than 30 days. Upon the appointment of a doctor, the therapy is repeated after a short break.

It is important to note that systemic drugs are always used in combination with local medicines (ointments, gels), compliance with the recommended diet and lifestyle correction. As monotherapy, they are not effective enough.

Simultaneously with these medications, phlebologists are advised to take pills to stop the concomitant symptoms of varicose veins.

To reduce the viscosity of blood, anticoagulants and disaggregants are needed:

Normalize the blood and lymph flow, eliminate puffiness and improve metabolic processes in the tissues help such agents as Actovegin and Ascorutin, vitamin complexes.

With severe pain syndrome, inflammation in the extremities, it is recommended to use appropriate drugs, non-steroidal or hormonal. They are individually selected by the phlebologist depending on the severity of the disease.

Which pills for varicose are better?

Despite a large selection of different medications for the treatment of the described pathology, specialists prefer only 2 means - Detralex and Flebodia 600. These tablets have proven effectiveness and provide a quick and sustainable result. With regular treatment with these drugs in the early stages of varicose veins, irreversible changes in the vessels can be prevented.