Internal hemorrhoids - symptoms

Today, such a delicate disease as hemorrhoids is not uncommon and is diagnosed in almost 40% of cases when doctors call for problems with the intestines. The disease, depending on the location is divided into two types: external and internal hemorrhoids. Let us consider in more detail how internal hemorrhoids manifest themselves, and what are the causes of its development.

Causes of internal hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a nodular enlargement of the veins of the rectum, resulting from a violation of venous outflow of blood. Blood enters the cavity of the cavernous tissue of the rectum, where it gradually thickens (folds) - nodes are formed.

The following factors contribute to the development of hemorrhoids:

  1. A sedentary lifestyle - sedentary work, neglect of physical activity and passive rest contribute to the stagnation of blood in the veins of the pelvis.
  2. Improper diet - abundance in a nutritious diet of sharp, fatty, smoked, fried foods, as well as the lack or inadequate use of sour-milk products, vegetables, fruits, cereals, leads to digestive disorders (diarrhea, constipation). Frequent bowel evacuation and chronic constipation contribute to the fact that the vascular plexuses in the pelvic area are subjected to excessive pressure, which leads to stagnation of blood.
  3. Abuse of alcohol - alcohol expands blood vessels, which contributes to increased blood flow.
  4. Excessive physical activity - lifting weights and excessive muscle tension - lead to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and a violation of blood flow.
  5. Pregnancy and childbirth are the most frequent cause of hemorrhoids in women. During the gestation period, the baby is squeezed by the vessels located in the rectum, which causes the blood veins to overflow. The condition is aggravated in the process of strenuous attempts at the time of delivery.
  6. Hereditary factor - congenital dysfunction of the vessels of the terminal rectum, which leads to an increased influx of arterial blood and difficulty in the outflow of blood through the cavernous veins.

Symptoms and signs of internal hemorrhoids in women

Internal hemorrhoids are a rather insidious disease, because for a long time can not betray itself, more and more progressing. In addition, the symptoms of internal hemorrhoids are visually invisible, this type of disease, as a rule, is characterized by a complete absence of pain at the initial stage. This is because the hemorrhoids are deep inside, and their surface is a low-sensitivity rectal mucosa.

The first sign of internal hemorrhoids may be the appearance during the defecation of blood traces (on toilet paper, in feces). In this case, you can feel discomfort, a feeling of bursting, burning in the area of ​​the anus. Sometimes patients note the sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the rectum after emptying.

Gradually, the formation in the rectum becomes larger, and the vessels - wider. The lumen of the intestine narrows, because of which the movement of stool masses is disturbed. As a result, constipation appears, painful sensations arise.

Forms of the disease and complications of hemorrhoids

Distinguish between chronic and acute hemorrhoids . Chronic is characterized by a wavy current with periods of deterioration (exacerbation of hemorrhoids) and improvement of the condition. However, in the absence of proper treatment, the disease progresses, leading to the loss of hemorrhoids, and can suddenly turn into acute shape.

Acute hemorrhoids - a thrombosis or infringement of hemorrhoids, which poses a serious danger to health. Complications of acute hemorrhoids can be: