Folliculitis - treatment

Folliculitis is a skin disease in which an infectious lesion of the hair follicle occurs. Most often folliculitis begins with ostiofolikulita - superficial inflammation of the hair follicle, in which only its mouth is affected. When the infection penetrates deep into the follicle, the ostiophalliculitis is transformed into folliculitis.

Causes of folliculitis

Folliculitis can be caused by various types of infection, and this disease is divided into the following types:

Infection can penetrate into the middle of the hair follicle as a result of minor damage to the skin, hair removal procedures. People who have itchy skin diseases, as well as persons suffering from hyperhidrosis, are exposed to the disease. Infection can be associated with non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Penetration of the infection occurs more often with a decrease in immunity and weakening of the barrier functions of the skin. Therefore, factors contributing to infection are hypothermia, antibiotics, diabetes mellitus, long-term infectious diseases, oncological diseases, liver diseases. The protective properties of the skin can be weakened by prolonged use of glucocorticosteroids, as well as the effects of chemical reagents.

Symptoms of folliculitis

Folliculitis is localized on any parts of the body, where there is a scalp - arms, legs, armpits, groin, etc. Often occurs folliculitis of the scalp, as well as folliculitis on the face and neck.

The disease begins with redness and infiltration in the area of ​​the hair follicle. Further, a pustule with pus inside is formed, permeated with hair. After it is opened and the purulent contents come out, a sore is formed, covered with a crust. If the lesion affected the entire follicle, then after the cortex has left the skin, there is hyperpigmentation or scar. Surface folliculitis, as a rule, does not leave traces.

Often, folliculitis is multiple, accompanied by soreness and itching. If you do not carry out medical measures, the disease can be complicated by the development of carbuncle, furuncle, hydradenitis, abscess, phlegmon.

Undermining folliculitis (Hofmann's folliculitis)

Undercutting folliculitis is a type of disease. It begins to develop on the scalp, has a chronic course. The causative agent is Staphylococcus aureus or a mixed Streptococcal staphylococcal infection. Inflammatory process passes to the neighboring sites, there is an abscessing of the deep sections of the hair follicles and skin. Progression of the disease leads to the fact that individual abscesses merge, fistulas are formed with the release of pus.

How to treat folliculitis?

Before the treatment of the folliculitis, diagnostic measures are carried out. Their goal is to identify the causative agent of the disease, the exclusion of syphilis and gonorrhea, the identification of concomitant pathologies.

Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. Initially, the pustules are opened and the pus removed. Further drugs are prescribed depending on the from the type of pathogen: for bacterial folliculitis - antibiotics, for fungal - antifungal agents, for viral - antiviral, etc.

Surface folliculitis in the initial stage can be treated with topical preparations. Additionally, lesions are treated with fuccarcine, methylene blue or green, and healthy areas to prevent the spread of infection - salicylic or boric alcohol.

In severe cases, systemic therapy with generic drugs is required, as well as immunotherapy.