Suspended facade

Finishing the facade of a residential building can be very different. Most often there is a plastered facade or bricked. However, not so long ago a new technology for exterior decoration of walls appeared - the so-called hinged facade. This special system consists of a cladding material that is attached to an aluminum or steel frame mounted on the wall of the house. Directly on the wall of the building is mounted a layer of insulation in the form of basalt and mineral wool or polystyrene. And on top of it is fastened a special membrane, which transmits steam and protects the walls from wind and moisture. In this case, there is a gap between the lining and the heater and the air flows freely through it. Thus, moisture and condensate are removed from the internal surfaces of the structure, and the hinged facade is called ventilated.

The hinged facade system can be used both for a private house and for building a multi-storey building.

Advantages of hinged facades

Air layer, available in hinged facades, in hot months prevents the penetration of hot air inside the building. In winter, the condensate is formed due to this layer not on the wall of the house, but on the outer layer of the insulation. The walls remain dry in any weather, and the interior of the building retains a comfortable microclimate.

Having decorated the facade of your house with a hinged system with high thermal insulation properties, you can save a lot on heating the building. In this case, such a structure will be resistant to any atmospheric influences and is very durable. To the merits of the hinged facade can be attributed and its excellent sound insulation.

In the hinged facades are used a variety of facing materials, so you can give the building the desired architectural appearance.

Hinged brick facade

A hinged decorative facade made of bricks can be mounted on any surface of walls: brick and concrete, metal and even wood. This system - an excellent solution for the design of private houses, socle and the first floor of a high-rise building. The building with a hinged brick facade looks modern, and at the same time is exquisite.

Suspended façade of porcelain tiles

As a facing material in a hinged facade, an artificial material of granite can be used. It has a special strength and durability, is inert in relation to any temperature fluctuations. Apply such hinged stone facades in any climatic conditions.

Suspended façade of clinker tile

Clinker tiles in the hinged facade system perfectly imitate natural masonry made of bricks. All facing elements of this design are mounted on horizontal guides, and the seams between the tiles are sealed with a special waterproofing solution.

Aluminum hinged facade

As a facing material for the curtain wall, you can choose aluminum siding. Used to create voluminous hanging facades and composite panels, consisting of two aluminum sheets and interlayer between them from mineral or polymeric material. The system of hinged facades made of aluminum is easy, so the load on the foundation is minimal.

Hinged glass facades

One of the most modern variants of hinged facades is the lining of glass. For this, an impact-resistant material with lamination or reinforcement is used. The glass can be tinted, painted in different shades, or simply transparent. Such hinged facades are more often used in public buildings, since their installation is very difficult technically and quite expensive financially.