Signs of clinical death

It's no secret that any living organism does not die simultaneously with the stopping of breathing and the cessation of cardiac activity. Even when these bodies stopped their work, there are still 4-6 minutes in which a person hangs between life and death - this is called clinical death. At this point, the processes are still reversible, and a person can be brought back to life if a sufficient set of measures is taken. People who have experienced clinical death, often talk about the amazing visions they have experienced during this period.

Causes of clinical death

As a rule, cases of clinical death are recorded as a result of severe blood loss, reflex heart failure, drowning, electric injury, acute poisoning and similar accidents.

The main signs of clinical death

To know such a condition is not difficult, because the signs of clinical death are rather bright and do not look like the symptoms of fainting and other cases of temporary loss of consciousness .

  1. Stop the circulation. You can find out by probing the pulse on the neck, on the carotid artery. If there is no pulsating beating, the circulation stops.
  2. Stop breathing. The easiest way to know this is to bring a mirror or glass to the nose of a person. If there is breath, it will sweat, and if not - it will remain as it was. In addition, you can simply look at the person for the swaying of the chest or listen, does he make out the sounds of inhaling-exhaling. Due to the fact that there is very little time in such a situation, usually no one spends valuable seconds in identifying this feature.
  3. Loss of consciousness. If a person does not react to light, sound and everything that happens, he is unconscious.
  4. The pupil does not respond to light. If a person in a state of clinical death open and close the eye, or shine on him, the size of his pupil will remain unchanged.

If at least one of the first two symptoms of clinical death is identified, it is urgent to begin resuscitation. Only if from the moment of cardiac arrest has passed no more than 3-4 minutes, there is a chance to return a person to life.

People after clinical death

Some of the people who returned to life after a clinical death, report on the extraordinary images that they had time to see beyond the life. At present, there are already millions of testimonies regarding visions during clinical death. They are not described by everyone, but only by about 20% of all people who have undergone resuscitation.

As a rule, all people who have been in clinical death, say that even after stopping the heart, they heard everything that happens in the ward. After that, a piercing sound and a feeling of flight inside a dark tunnel are heard. At this time a person sees the chamber and his own body from above, as if the soul hung at the ceiling level. People described how they saw the doctors' attempts to revive their body. At the same time, when the first state of shock is passing, the next series of visions is taking place: meetings with deceased relatives, remembrance of the bright moments of their life.

After that, a person sees a light that soon transforms into a certain luminous being, it is benevolent, speaks to a person and even conducts a tour of his memories. Gradually a person reaches a certain border, but usually by this time the luminous being tells him to go back. The soul likes a new state of bliss and peace, and you do not want to return - but it is necessary.

Surprisingly, all eyewitnesses of clinical death from different parts of the world describe this state equally, each of them passes this way through a tunnel, hovering over his body and meeting with light or a luminous being. This confirms the fact that it is not consciousness that is not able to exist outside the body, but, on the contrary, the body is not able to exist without consciousness (or soul).