When to cut phloxes for the winter?

Perennial phloxes have become very popular in creating modern landscapes and flower gardens due to their frost resistance, unpretentiousness in growing and variety of coloring. Despite their resistance to frost, these perennial flowers should be cut for the winter, since in the frost after warming or if there is little snow in winter, they may die.

In this article, we will consider why, when and how to properly cut phlox after flowering.

Why carry out pruning phlox in the fall?

  1. To avoid fungal diseases and the appearance of pests, new shoots were grown in spring, as many shoots accumulate in the shoots left since autumn, and pests insect between them at an altitude of 10-20 cm.
  2. In order to keep the phloxes healthy, it is recommended to perform preventive treatment with fungicides in the autumn and mulch the soil with peat, humus or compost , and the remaining trunks will interfere with this.
  3. In winter and early spring the flowerbed will have a more neat appearance, and the appearance of new shoots will not interfere.
  4. To accumulate more useful substances in the roots of flowers, necessary for the beginning of growth in the spring.
  5. To prevent denudation of roots, as rhizome phlox grows up, and this can lead to their freezing.
  6. In order to prevent the emergence of weaker shoots, only if the material for reproduction is not required.

When should phloxes be cut for the winter?

Carry out pruning of phlox bushes in autumn, after flowering, from about the end of September to the end of October, when all the nutrients accumulated in the plant will go to the root and the soil will freeze. Pruning must be completed before the onset of constant cold weather, in different belts it is different: it may be in October or in November.

Some gardeners recommend pruning in early spring, (especially in areas with little snow in winter), since the ground part of the bush (stems) will be needed to collect snow in winter over phlox; in the northern regions, it is the best protection against frost, and in the south - it increases the soil moisture. In such cases, snow near the bushes can not be rammed.

How to trim phloxes?

The process of autumn pruning consists of the most pruning, fertilizing and mulching the land around the bush, differing only in the materials used.

1. Trimming

There are several options for trimming phlox:

After pruning, all the remains (stems, leaves) should be collected and burned, as they can remain spores of fungi, foci of disease and insect pests. The base of the bush and the soil around it should be treated with fungicides against diseases.

2. Additional fertilizing

In the already dead ground, under each bush of a flower it is necessary to pour out on 1 table spoon of superphosphate or other mineral fertilizer. At the same time, it is recommended that ash be applied to the land, which is used both as a fertilizer and as a deterrent to pests.

3. Mulching

It is carried out 10 days after treatment. To do this, you can use:

Such mulching of the soil will give spring additional nutrition to the plants.

Performed correctly in the autumn crop and subsequent mulching of the land near the phlox bush, it is possible to grow healthy and lush bushes that will decorate your garden for a long time.