Diseases and pests of grapes

The vineyard can affect about 500 bacterial, fungal, mycoplasmoses, viral and other diseases. In addition, the plant often suffers from a lack or excess of nutrition in the soil and unfavorable weather conditions.

Diseases of grapes and their treatment

The main diseases of grapes are mildew, white rot, oidium, gray rot, creeping leaf roll, bacterial cancer, spotted necrosis, anthracnose, grape tick and phylloxera.

The most dangerous disease of the grapes is mildew (downy mildew). It affects all the greenery of the bush. The critical period is from the beginning of the flowering of the grapes to the berries the size of a pea. Begin spraying before flowering grapes, then after flowering with an interval of 8 to 21 days, just for the season from 3 to 8 times.

Treatment is good to produce effective systemic drugs Efal, Mikal, Mitsu, Strobi.

Oidium - powdery mildew, white coating. Affects inflorescences, berries and leaves that dry and fall, and on the leaves appear dark dots. A characteristic sign is the smell of rotten fish. The development of the disease contributes to hot and dry weather, high humidity. The main measures to combat grape diseases are spraying of soil and bushes before flowering.

With white rot, the causative agent of the disease spends the winter on spoiled berries and vegetation. With the hail of berries and bush begins intense damage to berries and leaves of the vineyard. Also, white rot develops in poorly ventilated bushes. The berries crack, the bunches frown, the juice is lost, the berries are covered with dirty white spots and dry up. In the rainy autumn, up to 50-70% of the crop is lost.

Protection of grapes from diseases

The main protection of grapes is the creation of good conditions for illuminating and ventilating the grapes, which is achieved by timely gartering, stepping out of the vine, the destruction of weeds, the timely cleaning of sick berries and grapes.

Treatment of grapes from diseases, that is, spraying, should occur when the berries become the size of a pea. When The need for spraying is repeated several times.

The disease of the vine grapes is caused both by pathogens of diseases and by parasitic insects. These are butterflies, larvae and caterpillars, which feed on the tree and the juice of the vine. In the fight against them, the most effective is the burning of the vines after pruning.

Grapes resistant to disease

In our time, new varieties that are resistant to various pests have been introduced. This is, for example, Golden Steady, Dniester Pink, Buffalo, Pineapple, Chasla Northern, Vierul, Nistru, Saperavi North, Purple Early, Advanced, Bashkan Red, Liang, Moldavian Color.