Games for the development of speech

We all know the importance of interpersonal communication , the main component of which is speech. A person learns to speak in childhood, and it is very important to deal with the child so that his speech is clean and well-delivered.

But, unfortunately, some children have difficulties with the development of speech, and then parents are faced with the question: what to do with this problem?

Today, the development of speech through didactic games is gaining popularity. The development of speech through the game can bring good results if you conduct classes with the child regularly. In this article you will get acquainted with games for the development of coherent speech.

The influence of the game on the development of speech is conditioned by the fact that in childhood it is easier for a child to "work on mistakes" in a game form - this will be more productive for him. So get ready for what you need to include your imagination and work hard with your baby.

Games for the development of coherent speech

  1. Proverbs and proverbs . You tell the child a few proverbs, and he should understand what is their purpose, together with you to understand what situations they are applicable. After that, ask your child to repeat the sayings or proverbs that you have taken together.
  2. "It's begun" . You are asking the child to continue the offer. For example, you tell him: "When you grow up, you will become," and your child finishes the phrase.
  3. «Shop» . Your child tries on the role of the seller, and you - the buyer. Lay out the goods on the imaginary counter, and let your son or daughter try to describe each item in detail.
  4. "What is more important?" . Spend a debate on the theme of the seasons: let the child try to argue why summer is better than winter.
  5. "Guess the neighbor . " In such a game it's good to play the company. Every child must describe any person sitting in their circle, and the rest must guess the conceited.
  6. The Magic Hat . Put a small object in the hat and turn it over. Your child should ask questions about the characteristics of the hidden object and its properties.
  7. "Increase the number . " You name the child any word, for example, "cucumber", and he should name the plural of the proposed subject.
  8. "Who has lost the tail?" . Prepare pictures: on one should be depicted animals, and on the second - tails.
  9. "Mom-dad . " Let your child answer questions like the names of his parents, what they do, how old they are, etc.