Gymnastics for children

Doing sports is especially useful for children, because they contribute to strengthening the health of the child's body, and help to develop it more harmoniously. The choice of sports sections today is huge, but, perhaps, the most popular for children is gymnastics, which is the basis of physical development.

Why do gymnastics?

Most parents give their children to sports clubs with the idea that maybe in the future he will become an Olympic champion. However, according to statistics, out of a million people involved in sports, only one becomes a world champion, and out of a thousand - one champion of Europe. Therefore, do not expect that your child will reach such heights. But do not get upset, because, as you know, a great sport is always traumatic, it takes a huge amount of time and effort, and not everyone, both the parent and the child, can do it.

The main benefit for children from gymnastics is the improvement of physical fitness, which will not be superfluous, especially for guys.

At what age can you start gymnastics?

According to many medical doctors, it is possible to begin classes at the school of gymnastics from the age of 4-5. It is by this time that the human musculoskeletal system becomes more resistant to constant physical stress.

Begin classes with the general physical development of the child. At the same time, special attention is paid to the development of coordination, strength and, of course, flexibility. This sport is one that allows you to develop a child and reveal his ability to do sports in general.

Only after the beginning athlete has found the necessary physical form, go to perform gymnastic exercises. An example of such may be supporting jumps, overturns in the air, and other acrobatic elements that most ordinary people seem unrealizable. However, such gymnastic exercises were the basis of physical education back in the days of Ancient Greece. Moreover, in the 19th century this sport was included in the program of the Olympic Games.

Can I do gymnastics for girls?

It is generally believed that the gymnastics section for children is intended primarily for boys only. Constant physical activity, complex gymnastic exercises are not in force for most girls. However, they can be found in every group of gymnastics for children, and they are engaged in sports on a par with boys. Therefore, it all depends on the initial physical training and the child's ability to this sport.

How are classes conducted?

As a rule, classes in junior groups are held in a game form and resemble general physical training. At the same time, emphasis is placed on exercises that are designed to form the child's physical qualities, such as flexibility and endurance.

Approximately 7 years, the coach holds the first screening. Some guys just lose interest in this kind of classes, and understand that sports are not their element. As a result, only those children who really need it continue to play sports.

The main task of the trainer at this stage is to provide the child with the opportunity to develop properly without harming his health. As a result of such activities, the teenager will become stronger, more enduring, stronger and more courageous, compared to his peers.

Thus, sports in the life of the child is of great importance. Thanks to him, he becomes more bold, and feels confident in the circle of his friends. For some children, sport in the future becomes a profession and a favorite occupation, which not only provides good health, but also is a source of income.