How to teach a dog a "fu" team?

A dog that does not know the basic commands can be dangerous not only to itself, but also to others. Even the most friendly and affectionate four-legged pets sometimes need a sharp and timely team , stopping their dangerous actions.

How to teach a dog the command "fu" quickly and simply?

Begin to teach you need a puppy, but before three months of punishment can negatively affect the nervous system of the animal, so familiarity with the team "Fu" is worth starting just after this age. For training it is necessary to punish the puppy. Remember that easy punishment now will rescue a dog from many dangers and troubles in the future. You can punish a slight blow to the palm of the rump or with a special collar with spikes. There is an opinion that the dog can not be beaten by hand. Of course, such a punishment can not be carried out with a foreign dog, but in the owner-dog relationship everything is much more complicated. This palm sometimes punishes, much more often she strokes, caresses, nourishes and helps.

How to teach a puppy a "Fu" team depends on the conditions in which he lives and the habits of the animal. For someone the beginning will be a ban to raise from the floor all sorts of things, someone will introduce the pet to the team because of attempts to catch up with the cat. In any case, the team must be executed clearly and immediately.

Training for the "Fu" team consists of several steps:

  1. The dog started an action that must be stopped. For example, picked up something or tried to catch up with the cat.
  2. It is necessary confidently to command: "Fu!".
  3. Stage of punishment. It is important to count strength. You can only beat the hand with the palm of your hand. If a collar with spikes is used, a spurt that is felt for the dog follows the team.
  4. Training is repeated until the dog is clearly performing the command. But the team should be given only 2-3 times per session with an interval of at least 15-20 minutes.

Teams "Fu" and "Can not"

To avoid using the "fu" command too often and leave it for the most important and emergency cases, you can teach the dog to understand the word "impossible." For example, if a dog tries to enter a room that is not intended for him, or is too welcome to welcome a guest, the "impossible" command is suitable. If the dog is going to eat a dead mouse found on the ground or catch a neighbor's cat, it should immediately stop the "fu" command.

Dressura is an integral part of the dog's life in human society. The command "Fu" for dogs is necessary, since the animal can not always correctly assess the situation in a society created according to the laws of people.