Gymnastics after a dream in a kindergarten

Many people know that gymnastics after sleeping in kindergarten is a useful and necessary occupation. After all, as a child wakes up, his mood and desire to learn something new will depend on him. Usually in kindergarten gymnastics is spent after a day's sleep to music. First, it should play quietly, but with each new movement, louder and louder. The total time of gymnastics is 2-4 minutes. It can include not only different movements, but also breathing exercises.

Complex of gymnastics after sleep for babies

The teacher addresses the children: Wake up, goslings. Wake up, chickens!

Children: Slowly stretch.

Educator: We spread our wings.

Children: Lying on their backs, they put the handles in different directions and slowly lift them from the trunk to the head and back.

Educator: We are dragging wings to the sun.

Children: Lying on their back, stretch their hands upwards. In this case, the body does not rise.

Educator: Straighten our paws.

Children: Lying on their back, they lift one leg first, then the other.

Educator: We are looking for grains on the sides.

Children: Lying on their backs, they turn their heads in one direction, then in the other.

Educator: We're calling our mom.

Children: They get up and sit on the bed. In this position, the babies breathe in through the nose, and on the exhale, which is done through the mouth, they say "ha-ha-ha."

Teacher: We're going swimming.

Children: Get out of bed, sit down on their haunches and go in single file to the washbasin.

Each exercise should be done 2-4 times. This complex shows the basic exercises that can be used in gymnastics after sleeping in the DOW, as well as those parts of the body that should be involved in it.

The purpose of gymnastics after a dream is to awaken the babies painlessly, to adjust the children to a positive mood and playful manner. After all, with crumbs that are in a good mood, it's easier to play and communicate something new to them.