Low fetal presentation

Usually a low presentation of the head of the fetus a woman can find out in the second trimester of pregnancy, that is, long before delivery.

Normally, the fetus should fall to a low position closer to the exit from the uterus for 4 -1 weeks before childbirth.

Having learned about the low position of the fetal head, many pregnant women are worried, thinking about what a low fetal presentation may threaten. But you do not need to panic in this case.

What threatens a low fetal presentation?

As a rule, when the fetus is in a low position, the doctor can diagnose a woman the threat of abortion. But at the same time the woman should have other symptoms accompanying this condition, for example painful and prolonged tone of the uterus , a shortened cervix of the uterus. In such a situation, the pregnant woman should spend some time in the hospital in order to prolong the pregnancy for a longer period and to carry out all the necessary medical measures to prepare the fetus for existence outside the mother's womb. In some cases, cervical closure is performed, or a pessary is put on it . In the event that a low fetal head presentation is not accompanied by other symptoms of the threat of termination of pregnancy, but leads to a deterioration in the state of health of the pregnant woman, the doctor may be prescribed various methods of prevention and therapy of this condition.

Quite often, with strong pressure of the baby's head, pregnant women face the problem of too frequent urination. In this situation, a woman should try to drink in small portions and somewhat limit the intake of liquids right before bed. Another problem caused by excessive pressure of the fetal head is hemorrhoids. To prevent this disease, a woman should drink more and properly organize her meals in order to rule out the possibility of constipation. In addition, you must avoid heavy physical exertion and try not to run.

To reduce the pressure of the fetal head and the frequency of the appearance of the tone of the uterus, it is recommended to wear a bandage. If these recommendations are followed, births in women with low fetal presentation take place without complications and negative consequences for the child and his mother.