Prevention of influenza in pregnant women

Prevention of influenza and SARS in pregnant women takes a special place in preventing complications associated with the consequences of the occurrence of violations after respiratory diseases. Let's take a closer look at aspects of such preventive measures and focus the attention of expectant mothers on more effective methods of preventing ARVI during gestation.

What can be used to prevent influenza in pregnant women?

Very often women in the situation, trying to protect themselves from viral diseases, do not know what can be taken for pregnant women to prevent the flu, and what measures to take to prevent it.

Despite the apparent obviousness of elementary preventive measures, it is not superfluous to list them. So, every woman expecting the appearance of a child, must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Avoid visiting places with a large flow of people, i.e. if possible, it is necessary to limit the use of public transport, for example.
  2. More time the future mothers should spend in the open, fresh air. In those cases when it is impossible for any reason, it is more often to ventilate all living quarters.
  3. When visiting polyclinics and other medical institutions, it is necessary to limit contact with sick people and always use a gauze dressing.
  4. Do more hygiene of the hands, especially after contact with the diseased or objects of their use.

If the above rules are followed, infection with the flu is much less frequent. However, if the pregnant woman is ill, then do not despair, let alone worry. This may adversely affect the health of the baby's future.

In view of the fact that most expectant mothers know that almost all medications are prohibited while expecting a baby, the question often arises: what can pregnant women take to prevent the flu in order to avoid infection.

It is necessary to say that all prophylactic drugs according to the principle of action are divided into: specific and nonspecific. Most often in pregnancy use nonspecific drugs, which are designed to increase the overall resistance of the body. Specific means of prevention involve the introduction of a vaccine against influenza.

So, among non-specific measures for the prevention of influenza and ARVI in pregnant women are most often used:

  1. Vitaminotherapy - the use of vitamins A, B, C increases the body's resistance to foreign bacteria and viruses. Despite all seeming harmlessness, it is necessary to take them with care, and only with observance of all instructions of the doctor.
  2. The use of oxolin ointment at a substance concentration of 0.25% can also be considered as a means of preventing influenza in pregnant women even in the first trimester.
  3. Plants that stimulate immunity are also actively used to prevent the development of viral diseases in pregnant women. Among these are: echinacea, eleutherococcus, ginseng, aralia.
  4. Homeopathic preparations for the prevention of influenza in pregnant women can be applied in both 2 and 3 trimester, do not have on the body of the woman and the fruit of any negative impact. An example of such may be Camphor 30, Otsilokoktsinum, Allium of the chain 30. However, it is not necessary to apply them independently, without medical advice.

What specific medicines can be pregnant?

Among medicinal preventive drugs for the prevention of respiratory diseases, most often women in the position are appointed:

All these drugs can be used only after medical consultation and with all the doctor's instructions.