Acne During Pregnancy

When pregnant, expectant mothers may appear as a rash associated with a change in the hormonal background of a woman, and rashes - the symptoms of other diseases. Consider the types of possible rashes and pimples in pregnant women:

Acne rash (pimples) during pregnancy - causes

Why do pregnant women have acne? The appearance of acne during pregnancy is associated with an increase in the level of progesterone , which increases the production of sebum. The second reason that stimulates its production is dehydration of the body with toxicosis (especially in the first trimester, when rashes appear). A factor that contributes to the inflammation of the sebaceous glands is a decrease in immunity during pregnancy. But a large number of purulent eruptions can appear and with diabetes, therefore it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist.

Complications of acne during pregnancy

If you have acne during pregnancy, before you start acne treatment, you must remember one basic rule: under no circumstances can you squeeze out any pimples that are above the nasolabial fold and the reason is not only that the blood vessels from the crushed hearth Infection spreads and pimples will simply become more. The veins have no valves on the face above the nasolabial fold, but there is a paradoxical flow of blood (not only downwards, into the facial vein, but also upwards - into the cavernous sinus of the dura mater, and from the deep venous plexuses of the face the blood flows to the sinuses of the dura mater and to the facial vein). Therefore, the infection through the veins of the face can spread to the meninges, causing their inflammation, as well as thrombosis and inflammation of the venous sinuses. Thus, a simple squeezed pimple can cause serious complications and death of the patient. Therefore, with swelling, redness of the face around the pimple, fever, headaches, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Preventing Acne during Pregnancy

Before treating pimples during pregnancy, it is worth remembering about their prevention. These are the usual measures aimed at general strengthening of immunity:

Acne rash (pimples) during pregnancy - treatment

Treatment for acne in future mothers can appoint only a doctor. Usually prescribed local remedies for acne to fight infection with contraindications during pregnancy.