Constipation during pregnancy - what to do?

In connection with some of the physiological and hormonal changes that occur in the body of a woman during pregnancy (a shift in the digestive system), she may develop a disease such as constipation. It becomes a problem for 50% of pregnant women and can cause miscarriage or early childbirth due to the fact that a woman is forced to push regularly. Therefore, this problem should be approached very seriously: not only to turn to specialists, but also to understand the causes and learn how to solve it.

Constipation during pregnancy: causes

To learn how to get rid of constipation of a pregnant woman, you need to understand why it arises. In later terms, the cause is a change in the regulation of the digestive tract, as well as the shift of its organs. The greater the fetus, the stronger the pressure exerted on the intestine, which is why its motor function is often disturbed and from this defecation is hampered. Also, the problem of constipation worries women in the second half of pregnancy due to lack of mobility and limited use of fluids.

Constipation in early pregnancy can be caused by taking medications and foods rich in calcium and iron, as well as an increased level of progesterone, which relaxes the musculature of the intestine and disrupts peristalsis. If a woman is assigned to rest, a sedentary lifestyle also contributes to the risk of this pathology.

Treatment of constipation during pregnancy

Before treating constipation during pregnancy, it is very important to coordinate your actions with a specialist and be examined, because some methods can be contraindicated in special cases.

So, the first thing to do with constipation in pregnant women is to find out the main reason. Most of the constipation leads to a combination of several factors, so if a woman, for example, takes supplements containing more iron, then if possible, they should be reduced. If she is assigned to rest, then slow walks without unnecessary movements and loads still need to be carried out.

When the factors contributing to constipation are excluded (in whole or in part), we proceed to treatment. It should be comprehensive and combine three directions:

What to take with pregnant women with constipation?

Medications are prescribed if the woman has severe constipation during pregnancy. Despite the fact that during this period it is desirable to use as few drugs as possible, this measure in this case is compulsory: a violation of the intestinal microflora of the mother contributes to the same disorder in the child. Therefore, in the first place those drugs are prescribed that normalize the microflora, contain useful bacteria: for example, Entererozermina.

To soften the consistency of the stool, laxatives are also prescribed. The influence of many of them on the body of a pregnant woman has not been studied, so the choice of the drug is difficult. Nevertheless, there is a studied remedy for constipation during pregnancy, which you can trust is Dufalac. Its main substance is lactulose, which is effective for dysbiosis and constipation.

Diet with constipation in pregnant women

The correct diet is another important step in the treatment of constipation. It is necessary to adhere to a split meal in small portions. In the first half of pregnancy you need to eat about 5 times a day, and in the second about 6-7 times. Correctly distribute the intake of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

So, in the morning and in the afternoon the basis of the diet should be proteins, and in the evening - carbohydrates. Liquid intake is also limited to 2 liters per day, including soups, teas and water.

Folk remedies against constipation during pregnancy

The use of folk remedies during pregnancy should be approved by a specialist. Next, we list a few recipes that will help normalize the stool:

  1. Potato. Scrub the potatoes and then squeeze the juice from the resulting pulp with gauze. In a 1: 1 ratio, dilute it with water and take 3 tablespoons for half an hour before meals.
  2. Honey. In a glass to half pour warm milk, in which add a teaspoon of honey and dissolve. Do this mixture before going to bed and drink immediately.
  3. Herbal collection. Mix 1 teaspoon of fennel, cumin and anise seeds. From this mixture, pour 2 teaspoons into a glass with boiling water, after which the collection should be infused for half an hour. Then cool and strain the infusion: now it is ready for use. Take 3 teaspoons 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.
  4. Compote of dried fruits - a very good remedy for constipation, besides it is pleasant to the taste and harmless. Its composition should be based more on apples and plums.

Nevertheless, be wary of these recipes so as not to cause an allergic reaction, and remember the ancient saying: "everything is good, that's in moderation."