Low placentation during pregnancy - 21 weeks

When performing ultrasound at 21 weeks of gestation, a woman can hear from a doctor about low placentation. Not all future mothers have an idea of ​​this. We will tell about this and we will dwell in detail on what this violation is dangerous for the process of gestation and what to do for a woman with low placentation.

What is meant by the term "low location of the placenta"?

This phenomenon is noted in the case when the child's place itself is attached to the uterus rather low, and partially blocks the entrance to it. Normally, the placenta should be located in the area of ​​the uterine fundus. it is there that the best conditions for the formation of uteroplacental blood flow. It is with the help of this anatomical education that the mother's organism communicates with the fetus and passes it all the necessary nutrients.

If we talk about the distance from the placenta to the uterus of the uterus, which should be normal, it is at least 6 cm. Therefore, at 5.5 cm the woman is diagnosed with "low placentation" and taken for control.

What are the reasons for the low attachment of the child's place to the uterus?

Having understood what the term "low placentation" means, it is necessary to name the main reasons for the development of this violation. The most common of these are:

In fact, the reasons leading to the development of such a violation are much greater, which often makes diagnosis difficult.

How should a woman behave at low placentation?

After setting such a diagnosis, the pregnant woman receives a lot of recommendations from doctors and instructions, which must be strictly followed. So, the future mother with a similar kind of violation is simply contraindicated:

Sex with low placentation, also old is contraindicated. The thing is that during sexual intercourse there is an increased risk of infection of the reproductive system, and in addition, making love can lead to detachment, detachment of the low-lying placenta.

With low placentation, a woman at 21 weeks gestation should closely monitor changes in her body. Particular attention should be paid to vaginal discharge. When even a few drops of blood appear, you need to inform the doctor about it. As a rule, in such cases the expectant mother is hospitalized, which allows her condition to be evaluated in dynamics.

As already mentioned above, physical exercises with low placentation should be limited. However, some experts argue that, with a minor violation, some activities may, on the contrary, facilitate the migration of the placenta, and thus completely eliminate the violation. For example, a pregnant woman is advised to perform swaying movements, standing on all fours on the floor. The emphasis is on the elbows, not the brush.

What is the treatment of low placentation in pregnancy?

As such, specific therapy for this violation is not carried out. A woman is under the close supervision of doctors, periodically examined by ultrasound, which allows you to evaluate the movement of a child's place. In 9 out of 10 cases, low placenta has a favorable outcome.

With low placentation, found even at 21 weeks of pregnancy, the birth has its own characteristics. In view of the small distance between the uterus of the uterus and the placenta, the obstetrician pierces the bladder by itself, fixing the placenta with the help of the baby's head. This is necessary to prevent premature detachment of the child's place. With full closure of the entrance to the uterus, - an emergency cesarean section is prescribed .