Nutrition for psoriasis

When treating this disease, it is of great importance whether a person can adhere to a certain nutrition plan, because depending on whether the patient will receive the necessary microelements and vitamins, there is an exacerbation or, on the contrary, a decrease in symptoms. Nutrition for psoriasis is based on simple principles, so everyone can make their own food ration, who knows them.

Nutrition for psoriasis - what can and can not be?

There are simple rules that will help you get rid of the symptoms of the disease much faster. Firstly, it is necessary to limit the consumption of fats to 50 g per day, secondly, one must eat foods rich in protein and avoid simple carbohydrates, and thirdly, it is necessary to include fresh vegetables and fruits in the menu. Agree, everything is simple enough, adherence to a diet for psoriasis or nutrition principles for psoriasis will not require you to suffer painful restrictions, you will not suffer from hunger or tasteless eating.

According to the postulates of proper nutrition in psoriasis, you should include pumpkin, radish, carrots, sea-buckthorn, watercress, blackberries, currants and cabbage in the diet. These vegetables and berries contain the necessary substances and vitamins that will help normalize metabolic processes, and recovery will take place much faster. It is equally important to eat dairy products that contain a lot of protein, you should eat cheese, cottage cheese, drink kefir, fermented milk or milk. This is especially important for women who adhere to the rules of nutrition in psoriasis, the fair sex of sour milk products are simply necessary, as they contribute to the normalization of the functioning of various body systems. Often it is the girls complaining of intestinal disorders, as well as suffering from gastritis, and such ailments only provoke an exacerbation of psoriasis.

Experts recommend eating low-fat varieties of meat and fish, a variety of vegetable salads and limit the use of sweets, including honey. It will be useful to arrange unloading days 1-2 times a week, they can be eaten with vegetables, fruits and sour-milk products, for men it is allowed to eat a portion (200 g) of lean beef.

Remember that it is possible and necessary to break the daily ration for 5-6 receptions, it is recommended to do everything, as it is necessary to restore the exchange processes. Do not forget to drink water, green tea and less to drink coffee.