How to melt honey without losing its beneficial properties?

Honey is one of the most unique products presented to us by nature. It has antimicrobial and antiviral properties, due to the presence of an enzyme inhibin. The high content of B , K, E, C and folic acid vitamins , as well as the mass of useful microelements, makes honey an indispensable product for maintaining health, especially in the cold season. But just in time for winter natural, high-quality honey starts to crystallize, and our task is to properly melt it without losing useful properties. One of the best ways to heat a honey is a water bath.

How to properly melt honey in a water bath?

Take a saucepan of a larger diameter than the container in which you will heat honey, put honey there and pour water so much that to the top of a smaller capacity would remain 2 cm. Put the pan on the included plate, having previously delivered a smaller vessel. When steam begins to rise above the water, put a dense cloth on the bottom, a dish dish, a stand under hot, and place a container with honey on the substrate, this will help not overheat the honey. All the time, stir with a wooden spatula so that honey, heated at the walls, will mix with the center, after about 10 minutes the goal will be achieved.

Is it possible to melt honey in a water bath without impairing its quality?

That would not kill useful properties of honey, it is necessary to observe simple rules at use of a water bath.

  1. The first criterion is the choice of dishes, it should not be plastic, galvanized, copper.
  2. Honey will be spoiled by heating over 35-40 degrees, it releases oxymethylfurfural, this is a fairly serious poison.
  3. Do not re-heat the honey, so only its value will decrease, drown not a large amount at a time.
  4. Do not mix different varieties of nectar with each other.
  5. Do not add water, it will provoke the fermentation of honey.

Choose a quality product, store it correctly, treat carefully - and then honey will benefit your health.