Oatmeal porridge - good and bad

Useful properties of oatmeal porridge have long been studied and confirmed by life. The phrase "Oatmeal, sir" from the film about Sherlock Holmes became winged, due to the fact that she was told with such aplomb, as if it was not a question of oatmeal, but a masterpiece of culinary art. In some countries, oatmeal is one of the main dishes. Most often it is consumed for breakfast and added to other dishes.

Many of us know about the benefits and harm of oatmeal porridge from childhood. Moms asked us to eat oats, so that we would grow strong and healthy. The main harm of oatmeal porridge at that time was that we did not want it, like other useful and necessary products.

However, my mothers were right: oatmeal should be eaten. Its rich composition helps the body to function fully, and the person - to feel healthy and happy.

The use of oatmeal porridge is due to its wonderful composition. It includes:

Each of these components is very necessary for our body. Thanks to them, all cells have the opportunity to fully work and fulfill their functions, supporting the body in a healthy state.

What is the use of oatmeal?

  1. Oatmeal improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It is useful to people who have problems with digestion, gastritis, colitis, constipation or stomach ulcers.
  2. Improves the condition of the muscular system: strengthens muscles, relieves them of fatigue and pain. This property makes oatmeal porridge an important component of the ration of athletes and people whose work is associated with strong physical stress.
  3. Strengthens the bone system. Therefore, it should be included in the menu of children, adolescents and the elderly.
  4. Helps recover after a serious illness or surgery.
  5. Promotes the recovery of the entire body, increases the body's defenses.
  6. It is a dietary product, it easily satiates the body.
  7. Improves mood. Vitamin B6, contained in oats, increases the production of the hormone of joy - serotonin. Thanks to this, the mood improves, cheerfulness appears, depressive states go away.
  8. Improves blood coagulability and prevents the development of osteoporosis due to the content of vitamin K.
  9. Reduces the body's harmful cholesterol , improving the state of the cardiovascular system.
  10. Protects the body from free radicals, leading to the development of cancer.
  11. Cleanses the body of harmful substances.
  12. Allowed for dermatitis and allergies.
  13. Improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
  14. It improves the functioning of the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland.

What is harmful oatmeal?

A huge number of useful properties can lead to the idea that oatmeal is a universal product. However, it is not. It is useful, but not for everyone and not always.

  1. Do not eat oatmeal every day on for a long time, since it removes calcium from the body and leads to vitamin D deficiency. However, in small doses oats, on the contrary, improve the condition of the osseous system.
  2. Contraindication to the use of oatmeal is the disease gluten enteropathy (celiac disease). Almost all cereals are banned in this disease.

Oatmeal is a very useful product. Despite the fact that oat flakes are a wonderful breakfast, do not eat oatmeal every day. To maintain health and youth for many years, we must take care that the food is balanced and diverse.