Harmful food additives

Food additives are the easiest way to make the product more appetizing, enhance its taste and aroma, extend the shelf life. On the labels, these ingredients are denoted by a digital code with the letter E. Nutritional supplements are harmful to health and useful.

What are dietary supplements?

Harmful food additives there are much more than useful. All food additives are grouped according to the principle of action, and the group can be identified by the first digit of the code. "1" begins with dyes that give a tempting look to food , "2" preservatives that extend the shelf life of the product, "antioxidants" protect against spoilage, "4" - stabilizers allow preserving the consistency, "5" emulsifiers supporting the structure, "flavor enhancers" and "flavor" enhancers for "6" and "7" and "8" for the numbers are reserved by manufacturers, foam foaming agents (antiflamings), sweeteners and other substances begin at "9".

Harmless food additives are curcumin (E100), succinic acid (E363), magnesium carbonate (E504), thaumatin (E957).

The most harmful food additives

The most harmful food additives in products are antioxidants and preservatives. Their action is similar to an anabacterial, i.e. they break biochemical reactions and destroy bacteria. But if many of these harmful food additives get into the human body, they can disrupt the work of many organs and systems. Especially harmful preservative E240 - formaldehyde, which can cause cancer.

Very harmful and synthetic dyes. Е121 and Е123 are prohibited to use as very dangerous, but sometimes they are found in lemonade and ice cream. Among the stabilizers there are substances of natural origin, for example, agar-agar (E406). However, most of these additives are still of chemical origin. Among the emulsifiers most of all minerals, for example, soda (E500), sulfuric acid (E513), hydrochloric acid (E507), many of which are very toxic.