Fashion for short

We are unwittingly accustomed to the fact that the stars in the fashion world are always tall, slender girls. This is almost the ideal of a female figure. But what to do to those whom nature has not awarded high growth? Believe me, it is quite possible for such girls to create their own individual style taking into account all current trends.

Fashion for short girls and women

So, as we have already said, the fashion works for the representatives of the fair sex of absolutely different complexions. What should you pay attention to the low girls in creating their image ? And here's what:

  1. Color and prints. You can choose any style for low girls, but give preference to better monochrome clothes. A fully monochrome outfit visually draws out the silhouette. Moreover, the fashion for short girls insists on using dark colors. This is especially applicable to owners of low growth and lush forms. Lovers of prints do not necessarily have to give up their passion. It is enough just to pay attention to clothes in which prints will go downward.
  2. Pants. Style for girls of short stature implies laconism. Therefore, when choosing trousers, it is better to pay attention to simple models that are not overloaded with all sorts of elements. The proportions are of great importance. Take a closer look at the slightly flared trousers. It is better to exclude flared models from the hips or overly sporting options. It is desirable that the edge of the trousers cover part of the shoes, visually increasing the length of the legs. If a small lady decided on a shortened model, then she certainly must be worn with shoes on a heel or a wedge.
  3. Skirts. Long models are shown to short girls. But it's better to pay attention not to voluminous skirts, but to narrower ones. Then the growth will increase visually. Girls with slender legs show mini-skirts or models just above the knee.
  4. Footwear. Long live the high heels! What kind of shoes, if not high-heeled shoes, can make the figure feminine and slender. Alternatives can be shoes on a wedge or platform. Ballet lovers should change models with round noses, on products with a sharp cape. Also, do not choose your shoes with ankle straps.

Style for low women can be so different that a small growth can easily be turned into the main advantage of the figure.