Febrile temperature

Medical terms are so complicated and confusing that not all patients understand them. Therefore, many people are accustomed to any fever of the body called fever. And the term "febrile temperature" makes them seriously think about and worry about how little it can appear and what consequences it has.

Febrile temperature - how much is this in numbers?

Since childhood, everyone knows that the heat is to some extent even good. It is a reaction of the immune system to the invasion of pathogens. That is, it indicates that the body struggles on its own and can be delayed with taking various medications.

Febrile called body temperature of 38-39 degrees. When the thermometer shows these figures, you need to get medicine. This means that the body is difficult to fight and it needs help. Patient's state of health in this case in most cases noticeably worse. There is weakness, severe headache , appetite worsens.

What causes febrile temperature?

It can be caused by absolutely any factors leading to the development of inflammatory processes. Most often febrile temperature occurs against the background:

It is believed that with teething, the temperature can only increase in children. Babies do suffer much more often. But as the long-term medical experience shows, sometimes when the wisdom teeth are erupted, the heat also torments adults.

How to knock down febrile temperature?

To cure a prolonged febrile temperature in adults, you need to find out the reason for its appearance. Otherwise, antipyretics simply will not work.

The best way to knock down the temperature is with medications that contain indomethacin or paracetamol. Drugs in tablets are quite effective. But in particularly difficult cases, they may not act. Then it is necessary to inject drugs.

Quickly reduce the heat of the rectal candles. They are mainly prescribed for children. Although treatment of some adult patients without them is not complete. A big advantage of this type of treatment is that the suppositories do not come into contact with the gastrointestinal tract and do not irritate its tender mucosa.

Cope with febrile temperature can be with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If necessary, antibiotics, vascular or hormonal drugs are used. These medications are needed to combat the underlying disease.

Wait until the heat subsides, you can not. If the body is too long in a state of febrile temperature, complications can begin: irreversible processes in the cerebral cortex, respiratory arrest, convulsions .

Can I knock off a high febrile body temperature without medication?

There are methods that can overcome heat without medication. True, they do not work at all. But try, of course, you can:

  1. To bring the body back to normal with air baths.
  2. Sometimes it is enough just to undress, so that the heat transfer increases and the heat production decreases.
  3. Many patients are helped by acetic compresses or wraps.
  4. Instead of antipyretic can apply to the places of pulsation of large vessels cold warmers, ice.
  5. A good method - wiping the face skin with kefir. The drink should be at room temperature. With the epidermis it is not necessary to wipe it. The effect will be only if it waits until it dries out by itself.