Soaking the seeds of pepper before planting - how to properly prepare the seed material?

If you spend soaking the seeds of pepper before planting, then the germination of the seed will be significantly accelerated. This is an important stage in the process of growing a healthy and strong plant, which in the future will please the owners an excellent harvest.

Methods for soaking the seeds of pepper before planting

Preparation of pepper seeds for planting begins with careful selection:

  1. Purchased or collected grains are laid out on paper.
  2. Culls too small and very large, leaving medium, filled (not hollow).

Further, soaking and germination of pepper seeds is done in order to decontaminate them, to prevent damage to the future bush by diseases. Such preparation of the grains favor the softening of their films, the acceleration of the germination process and germination. To disinfect and stimulate growth use different compositions, each of which will help to benefit the young plant.

Soaking the pepper seeds before planting in Épinè

The growth stimulator Epin for soaking the pepper seeds before planting is an excellent solution. The solution helps plants adapt to fluctuations in humidity, temperature, light, increases resistance to lack of light, hypothermia, overheating, waterlogging, drought. Soaking the pepper seeds before planting in Epin's solution accelerates their germination and stimulates growth. But most importantly - the drug with biologically active substances reduces the sensitivity of crops to unfavorable conditions, increases their resistance to diseases.

Epin is sold in small packages, which are stored in the cold and dark. How to soak seeds:

  1. Packed out from the refrigerator, warm up in the hand, after which the sediment disappears in it and the composition becomes transparent.
  2. The tube is shaken and 2 drops of the drug are added to ½ cup of water.
  3. The biological composition is filled with seeds previously disinfected in the manganese solution.
  4. The treatment period is 12-24 hours at a temperature of + 20-23 ° C, after the epine is drained, and the seeds are dried and put on germination.

Soaking the pepper seeds in Zircon before planting

Biopreparation from Echinacea Zircon is a powerful growth promoter with a high root-forming activity and strongly pronounced increase in seed germination. It is stored in the light at room temperature. Zircon - competent soaking of pepper seeds before planting:

  1. Diluted solution - 1 drop of 1.5 cups of water.
  2. Stimulating composition is poured previously disinfected in the solution of manganese seeds.
  3. The treatment period is 16-18 hours at a temperature of + 23-25 ​​° C.
  4. Then the zircon is drained, the seeds are dried and germinated.

Soaking pepper seeds in food soda

Along with industrial growth activators for soaking the seeds of pepper before planting, natural nutritional mixtures can also be used. Their advantages are obvious - no need to spend money on the purchase of drugs and once again process the seeds of chemistry. Baking soda is also useful for soaking, it enriches seeds with mineral substances. So they are cleansed of pathogens, such crops are almost one-third more productive than those of untreated ones. How to soak the seeds of pepper before planting in soda:

  1. To obtain a mixture of 10 grams of soda is dissolved in 1 liter of water.
  2. The seeds are left in this composition for 12-24 hours.
  3. After that, the grains thoroughly rinse with clean water, dry and germinate.

Soaking the seeds of pepper before planting in manganese

To disinfect seeds at home, potassium permanganate is often used. This treatment helps to get rid of bacteria and spores of fungi, which can subsequently damage the plant. Pepper from past-treated seeds grows healthier. Decontamination is carried out immediately before planting or processing seeds with growth stimulants.

Soaking seeds of pepper in manganese before planting:

  1. 1 g of potassium permanganate dilute in 1 glass of water.
  2. Drain seeds for 20 minutes.
  3. Gently drain the potassium permanganate, covering the glass with a piece of gauze, scrupulously rinse the seeds in running water and dry.

Soaking the pepper seeds in hydrogen peroxide

Pharmacy peroxide - a wonderful oxidizer, perfectly disinfects everything that it irrigates. The treatment of the seed with such a preparation disinfects it, increases the germination capacity. How to soak the seeds of pepper in peroxide before planting:

  1. Make a solution - 1 tbsp. Spoon peroxide diluted in 0.5 liters of water.
  2. Seeds of peppers spread on gauze and pour the composition for 24 hours.
  3. After treatment, they must be thoroughly washed with running water, dried and can be germinated.

The best way to soak the seeds of pepper before planting

To achieve excellent seed germination, it is best to disinfect it and soak it before planting in several stages:

  1. Before germination, the seeds should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate in the manner described above. It will help get rid of the ailments and harmful microorganisms that accumulate in the grains.
  2. Next, you need to treat the seeds with microelements. For this purpose it is recommended to use wood ash. It contains about 30 nutrients.
  3. To obtain a mineral mixture, take 20 grams of ash and dilute in 1 liter of water. This compound, stirring, you need to insist for about a day.
  4. After this, roll the seeds of pepper in a gauze pouch and hold it for about 5 hours.
  5. Then get it, rinse it with clean water and dry it in a warm place.

After disinfection, undiluted aloe juice, obtained from the leaves of a plant older than 3 years, which before the procedure was kept for a week in the refrigerator, can be used as a nutritional composition. In it, the seeds are kept for 24 hours, then spread on germination without washing the juice. For quality processing before planting, it is possible to soak the seeds of pepper in the biostimulators from the store - Epin, Zirkon, Gumat.

How many days do seeds of pepper germinate when soaked?

Begin the process of germination of pepper seeds in late February or early March. After disinfection and soaking the seeds are put on gauze and covered with it from above. Seed material is placed in a closed plastic container with holes for ventilation, moistened with water (preferably thawed) and placed in a warm place (with a temperature of not less than +24 ° C). Every day, until the seeds come up, the lid should be opened for a short time.

On the question of how long the seeds of pepper germinate when soaking the exact answer is not. This process is lengthy and you must have patience. Different varieties of pepper sprout at different times, on average - from 7 to 15 days, but some species may need up to 20 days. Once the seeds are allowed to grow, they are transplanted into peat pills or ordinary pots. Caring for pepper, grown from soaked seeds, is much easier - plants are less sick and give a good harvest.