Cultivation of hyacinths in the open ground - the basis of proper care

Rare plants blossom in April, but the cultivation of hyacinths in the open ground will give the opportunity to the owners of the garden already in the earliest months of spring to have chic flower beds, fragrant honey-sweet aromas. In the care of the original flowers are not more difficult than tulips, the main secrets of their breeding can be accommodated in several rules.

Hyacinth - landing in the open ground

One of the most important measures is for the hyacinth to properly land in the open ground, the mistakes made at this stage are costly for the flower growers. To begin with, you should choose a convenient place, sheltered from winds and drafts, but with good lighting. Under the dense crown of bushes and trees, the cultivation of hyacinths in the open ground is not recommended. We try to level the club, removing the pits and hollows at the stage of preparation.

Excellent grow hyacinths in sandy loam soil, filled with the right dose of nutrients. If the soil is heavy on the site, then we improve it by adding a small amount of sand and well-permeated organic materials. Cultivation of the hyacinth on a permanent place in the open ground leads to a gradual contamination of the earth by harmful organisms. It is advisable to annually transplant the bulbs to a new flowerbed, returning back no earlier than three seasons.

How to transplant hyacinth into the open ground?

Deep digging of the soil is carried out in advance, so that during the draft it does not damage the planting material. In spring, a small dose of nitrate (20 g / m 2 ), superphosphate (15 g / m 2 ) and potassium salt (up to 30 g / m 2 ) can be made. Synthetic fertilizers can be replaced with ash, natural dolomite flour. Hyacinth when transplanted into the open ground is put in prepared wells, on the bottom of which we pour a 5 cm layer of river sand.

How to properly plant hyacinths in the soil:

  1. We process the selected bulbs for 30 minutes in fungicides ("Maxim", "Fundazol" , manganese).
  2. Children and small bulbs with a diameter of up to 5 cm are planted at a depth of 12 cm to 15 cm, and large bulbs - up to 18 cm.
  3. In heavy soil, we reduce the depth of planting by a couple of centimeters.
  4. When growing hyacinths in the open ground, we leave space between the plants from 15 cm to 20 cm, it is allowed to plant very small bulbs closer.
  5. We set the bulb in the hole neatly, excluding its pressing into the soil with force.
  6. Sprinkle the hyacinth in the beginning with a thin layer of sand, and on top with a simple primer.
  7. In the end we water the flower beds, sprinkle the place with peat or compost .

When to plant hyacinths in the open ground?

The optimum time frame for planting hyacinths in the open ground occurs in the autumn. It is best to produce these works from the end of September to the first of October. Being late a bit with planting or having made it earlier, the florist risks to destroy valuable material. In warm soil the bulb germinates and the shoots die at the first frosts, and if late, it does not form good roots until the colds come.

Hyacinth - outdoor care

The presence of weeds for hyacinths on the flower beds is unacceptable, so you should periodically carry out weeding and loosening of the soil. The amount of loosening can be reduced by mulching the land with suitable material. Improper cultivation of hyacinths can lead to illness. There are a number of reasons that cause growth inhibition or plant death.

The main mistakes of flower growers in caring for hyacinths:

  1. Fertilizer with fresh manure.
  2. Overdose of fertilizers during feeding.
  3. Hyacinths are planted in the ground the next year after other bulbous plants infected with infectious diseases.
  4. In the previous season, the terms of planting and excavating bulbs were violated.
  5. The flower grower did not etch the planting material.
  6. Planting flowers are thickened.

Conditions for growing hyacinths - watering

Drought adversely affects the development of plants, in a hot season with low precipitation they slowly grow, buds crumble, leaves wither early. A hyacinth flower requires cultivation under optimal conditions, so that its vegetative organs do not suffer from heat, so irrigation is indispensable. We produce them not often, but qualitatively, every time we try to moisten the earth to a depth of up to 20 cm. Excess moisture is harmful to flowers, it leads to the fall of the inflorescence, yellowing of the leaves.

Cultivation of hyacinths in soil - top dressing

For a given flower of large doses, fertilizer is not required to be introduced into the soil, but without additional food, it feels uncomfortable and beautiful large inflorescences on the flower beds form rarely. Hyacinth during care and cultivation in the open ground requires three qualitatively produced top-dressings associated with a certain period of development:

  1. The first application of fertilizers is the beginning of the germination of the first germ of hyacinth from the soil. To increase growth, it is necessary to use nitrate in an amount of 25 g / m 2 .
  2. The third application of fertilizers is the beginning of the budding process. A complex effect of the main nutrients is required - saltpeter (20 g / m 2 ), potassium chloride (30 g / m 2 ), superphosphate (up to 40 g / m 2 ).
  3. The last application of fertilizers is the end of flowering. Nitrogen preparations can not be introduced, we confine ourselves to potassium chloride and superphosphate by 40 g / m 2 .

Hyacinth - care after flowering in the open ground

With the beginning of shrinkage of the buds, the plant begins to prepare for the rest period. If hyacinth bloom in the open ground is completely over, then you can remove the unnecessary flower stem. Further, gradually reducing the dose, stop completely watering the soil. We carry out the third and final feeding of flowers with potassium and phosphoric preparations. It is undesirable to tear off drying leaves, their hyacinths are discarded independently.

When digging hyacinths in the open ground?

Some amateurs do not extract bulbs from the soil in autumn, hyacinths live in flower beds without transplantation. In this way, plants can exist for several years, but gradually the buds grow smaller, and fungi and other harmful microorganisms accumulate in the soil. Growing hyacinths in the ground by the method of annual transplantation, we can cull patient material, periodically etch it, timely detach the children for reproduction.

In most regions, the extraction of the bulbs from the soil is carried out from the end of June. You need to be guided by the appearance of hyacinths, when the leaves at them completely become yellow and dry. Haste in this work is not needed, excavating the bulb immediately after flowering can lead to illness. Dug the bulb dried a couple of days, remove the possible growths and excess scales, send to storage in cooked boxes.

How do hyacinths multiply in the open ground?

Cultivation of hyacinths in the open ground by seeds is mainly done by breeders. You can collect the seeds in the garden, plant them in a container and for a couple of years grow in greenhouses before landing in the open ground. Faster planting material is obtained with the help of children, which are formed on the uterine plant every season up to 3 pieces. With an effort to tear them from the bulb is not recommended, it is better to plant it in the hole and make the division in the next year.

The conditions for growing hyacinths are different, often the number of children grows a small amount, so many resort to stimulation of reproduction by applying on the bottom of the bulb circular or cross-cut cuts. For disinfection, use available charcoal, rubbing it gently into the wounds. We store the notched bulb in a hot and dark place, for example, an attic, where the temperature is kept in the summer to 35 ° C. By autumn we get on the bottom of the rudiments of healthy children.