When does the pear begin to bear fruit after planting?

Every gardener understands perfectly well that after the planting of the seedlings, time must pass that he grows strong and enters the phase of flowering and fruiting. For each fruit tree, this period is individual, therefore, in order not to waste time waiting for this moment and experience about the quality of planting material, this issue should be studied in advance. In this article, we will tell you when the pear starts to bear fruit after planting, and what it takes to do this.

At what age does the pear bear fruit?

There is no definite age for the beginning of fruiting for all sorts of pears, for everyone it's your own. It can be from 3-4 years old, like the "Muscovites" and "Yakovlev's Memory" to 8-10 years, as in "Bere Ardanton" and "Beresletskaya."

Most pear varieties begin to bear fruit 6-7 years after planting. These include the "Forest Beauty", "Leningrad", "Michurinsky Beauty", "Sverdlovchanka" and "Williams".

If you are not satisfied, after how many years the selected pear variety fructifies, and you want to speed up this process, you should plant not a seedling, but vaccinate on a tree already formed. In this case, the fruits will begin to appear in 3-4 years.

Does the pear bear fruit every year?

This issue is also very important, as is the beginning of fruiting. The pear should bloom and bear fruit every year. To do this, it must be regularly fed with mineral fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), cut, prevent diseases and pests. In addition, several pear trees must be planted in the garden at a distance of 4-5 m, otherwise it will simply not be pollinated.

If the pear does not begin to bear fruit at the proper time, the gardeners recommend that the tree be "shocked": bend the branches to the crack (do not break it) or "threaten" with an ax.