Is it necessary to cover strawberries for the winter?

Strawberry is a delicious and nutritious berry, the yield of which is largely determined by the quality of care, as well as the degree of protection for the winter. Prepare for the cold weather in the summer, but many gardeners doubt whether it is necessary to shelter the strawberries for the winter, or will there be enough natural defender - snow? This will be discussed in this article.

Do I need to cover strawberries for the winter?

It's no secret that many cultural plants feel great and perfectly winter under a great thickness of snow, but the fact is that to predict abundant, and most importantly regular snowfalls in the near cold season is impossible, which means that those who do not want to hope for a chance, it is worth taking care of the reliable protection of green spaces. Doubting whether to cover strawberries for the winter, it is worth saying that in the frosts down to -8 ° C, the earth is already freezing and cracking, destroying the root system of culture, and when the temperature of the air drops to -12 ° C, the entire above-ground part dies. It is clear that for northern and temperate latitudes such indicators are far from the limit and under conditions of frosty and little snowy winter plants will die.

Therefore, it is very important in the implementation of these activities to take into account the climatic features of their region. In the southern regions mulch can also act as a covering material for strawberries for the winter. Moreover, a thick layer of mulch, consisting of humus, manure, sawdust, needles, foliage and other materials, is recommended to be laid not only around the bushes themselves, but also in the space between the rows. In the rest, it's a special covering material.

Warming strawberries for the winter

These activities are carried out using the following materials:

  1. Straw or hay . However, under such material, plants can grow from moisture, especially in regions where thaws often occur. Those who are interested in whether it is possible to cover the strawberries for the winter with foliage, it is worthwhile to answer what is possible, however, it will not protect the rodents, although this applies to straw if there are seeds in them that attract them. In addition, infected with diseases, foliage can cause irreparable harm to berry culture.
  2. Spruce birch - pine needles or pine. This is an excellent protection for plants, because it keeps the heat well and does not interfere with the passage of air, which means it will act as a preventive measure to prevent the strawberry from escaping. Lapnick is lined directly over the aerial part of the plant, and it is also recommended to make a fence on the bed so that the snow remains there for as long as possible.
  3. Agrofiber . It's about lutrasil or spunbond , which has the appearance of a fabric of different colors and densities. Such material "breathes", transmits light, air and moisture, but it keeps the heat well. When the soil is sufficiently frozen, and the plants are hardened, the berries are covered with white agrofibers, the density of which is 60 g / m². On the perimeter of the berry, the fabric can be fixed with bricks, stones or boards.
  4. An air-dry method , more labor-intensive, but at the same time providing for the manufacture of a whole winter greenhouse using the same agglomerates . To do this, over the beds, metal arches are installed, and agglomerates are pulled on top. Such a shelter-tunnel will create the necessary air layer, allowing plants to breathe, and will retain heat.

Here such there are ways of protection of a berry culture. In this case, we must warn that it is not necessary to shelter the plants too early: they need to be allowed to temper, which will allow them to survive the winter without losses and ensure a good harvest with the arrival of summer. Measures for protection are carried out when the ground freezes to a depth of 4-6 cm, and for this should be frozen to -5 ᵒC.