Plumeria at home

In indoor culture, this flower is found only one species - Plumeria rumba. The flower has pointed at the ends of leaves, petals are oval and very strong smell.

Plumeria: cultivation

Lighting. The flower of the plumeria comes from the tropics, so it prefers bright enough lighting. For her, the brightly lit window with some direct sunlight will be ideal.

Watering. In the period from mid-October to March, it is necessary to give the plant a rest, this period of rest and watering the flower can be quite rare. The rest of the time, watering is moderate.

Humidity. To care for the plumery should provide it with moderate humidity and periodically spray it from the spray, but it should be done not so much for moisturizing, but for the hygiene of the flower.

Care for the plumery involves feeding with drugs with a high content of nitrogen and phosphorus. Fertilize should be every three weeks, first with nitrogen preparations, then with phosphorus. The quality of fertilizer directly affects the growth of the plumeria flower.

Plumeria at home: reproduction

Propagate the flower seed method and cuttings. Seeds of plumeria are delivered to anywhere in the world, but nobody can guarantee the preservation of varietal qualities.

Lionfish on seeds should be left and planted with them. First, pour the seeds with warm water for a couple of hours. Ideally, the seeds need to be treated with a solution of fungicide, dunk for a couple of seconds into hydrogen peroxide. Such actions can significantly reduce the risk of seed decay during germination.

Before planting a plumery at home, the soil should be steamed in the oven or microwave oven. The most suitable is a sheet or turf ground, the substrate is rather loose and breathing. In a large pot or box fill a little soil and put the seeds, while the lion should hang over the surface.

Next, we make sure that the soil does not dry out, for this we periodically spray the soil from the spray gun. After sowing the box it is necessary to cover with glass, but leave a small gap for ventilation.

A week later, the seeds will germinate. They should be planted as soon as two full leaflets are fully developed. When you transplant each sprout into a separate peat cup, it is not necessary to remove it when you plant it in a pot.

Keep in mind that the container with seeds should be in a warm place and in the sun. Over time, the sprout will need your help. Peel off the seed is difficult to remove, but it must be done, otherwise the growth of the flower will slow down. Simply by applying a wet fleece soften the peel and remove it.