One week before menstrual stomach aches

Many women report uncomfortable symptoms before critical days. Usually complain about the appearance of skin problems, swelling of the chest. It is often said that a week before the month's stomach aches. Each girl is useful to know what changes in the body accompany her menstrual cycle. It is also important to understand the ways in which you can alleviate your condition.

The reasons why the stomach hurts a week before the monthly

One of the reasons are hormonal fluctuations, which in the body of a woman are simply unavoidable. The level of progesterone rises in the second phase of the cycle, but closer to menstruation begins to decrease. It is during this period that the girl may have unpleasant symptoms, for example, abdominal pain. But in cases where the level of the hormone is excessively low, the discomfort becomes unbearable. This problem should be solved together with a gynecologist.

Also during this period the level of endorphins decreases, which causes pain, irritability, tearfulness. In addition, before the critical days the uterus swells. This also explains why a week before the month's stomach aches.

At the end of the cycle, the body accumulates fluid, which leads to a violation of the electrolytic balance and provokes pain. Sometimes girls have late ovulation and pain is caused by it.

But in some cases, the disturbance of well-being before critical days is not associated with the menstrual cycle at all. Discomfort can be caused by such problems as:

If the girl regularly has a lower abdomen a month before the month, she needs to talk to the doctor. Only a specialist can find out what this state is connected with.