Chronic adnexitis

In the chronic form the disease develops in the case of refusal to treat acute adnexitis - it is characterized by: high temperature; periodic pain in the lower abdomen; muscle tension; pain in the side and back during defecation and urination.

Often, the acute form is asymptomatic, without causing a woman a reason for concern. In addition, the temperature is often written off on the ARVI, and the pain in the abdomen is perceived as a signal of the approaching menstruation. Unseen symptoms of adnexitis weaken or pass completely, but the inflammation does not disappear.

Risk factors

Salpingo-oophoritis causes an infection, which can be:

But that the infection began to progress, certain conditions are necessary. Often, exacerbation of chronic adnexitis (or the emergence of acute forms) provoke:

Signs of chronic adnexitis

Often chronic adnexitis in remission is not accompanied by pain, but almost always the patient has a menstrual cycle, and pains on the eve of menstrual periods become much stronger than usual.

With exacerbation of chronic adnexitis accompanied by symptoms of a more pronounced nature:

Consequences of adnexitis

On a foci of inflammation, the disease is classified into:

The danger of adnexitis is the formation of adhesions in the fallopian tubes, which very often becomes the cause of ectopic pregnancy and infertility. Especially large is the risk of these consequences in the case of chronic bilateral adnexitis.

The disease causes discomfort not only in the jumps of the menstrual cycle - frequent exacerbations of chronic adnexitis also lead to a decrease in sexual desire and pain during sexual intercourse.

Diagnosis and treatment

Because of the blurring of the symptoms, it is impossible to diagnose salpingo-oophoritis alone. Only a doctor can recognize chronic adnexitis and determine the causes that caused it. After the diagnosis is made, treatment is prescribed, including anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, resorptive and immunostimulating therapy, as well as physiotherapy with electrophoresis, ultrasound, vibromassage. After the main course of treatment for chronic adnexitis, it is recommended to visit the resort (mud, mineral water).

Supplement traditional therapy can be treated folk remedies - chronic adnexitis help to overcome the leaves of walnut, cabbage, birch twigs, linden flowers, calendula, St. John's wort, sage. From the raw materials are prepared decoctions for ingestion and syringing.