Dyufaston and monthly

Regular menstruation - a kind of indicator of female health and the normal functioning of the reproductive system. Within the limits of the norm, a monthly delay of 3-5 days is possible, it can be triggered by stresses, physical overload, a change in climatic conditions, and should not cause concern. If the delay is longer and there is no pregnancy or menstrual bleeding does not occur at all, serious violations are possible.

The menstrual cycle is regulated by sex hormones, or more precisely - estrogenic progesterone compounds that are produced by the ovaries. Prolonged absence of menstruation can talk about the insufficiency of the hormone in the body, and, consequently, about malfunctions in the work of the ovaries. In such cases, gynecologists sometimes prescribe the drug dyufaston to call the menstruation.

Dyufaston and monthly

Active component of the drug is a synthetic analogue of the hormone progesterone - dydrogesterone, so dyufaston is shown not only in the absence of menstruation, but also in the planning of pregnancy, as well as its maintenance, if there is a threat of interruption . Consider how exactly the dyufast grows on the monthly.

Influence of djufastone on the monthly

Normally, the concentration of progesterone in the blood constantly changes depending on the phase of the cycle and reaches a peak in the second phase, providing a thickening and loosening of the endometrium, which makes it possible to implant a fertilized egg into the uterine walls. If pregnancy has not occurred, the endometrium is rejected, that is, they go on a monthly basis. When the progesterone is not enough, this process is broken and menstrual bleeding does not occur.

Another possible reason that the monthly does not occur is the absence of ovulation, which can be caused by ovarian failure. In this case, the reception of duftaston is carried out within 2-3 cycles and artificially causes changes in the mucous uterus, characteristic for the end of the cycle. In this case, the drug does not inhibit ovulation - on the contrary, after the abolition normal functioning of the ovary is established. If after receiving djufastona there are no monthly, it is necessary to consult with a specialist and make a test - the probability of pregnancy is high.

How to cause monthly djufastonom?

As already mentioned, for a non-pregnant woman, slight delay in menstruation is possible, within one week. If, for some reason, they are required to cause or speed up their onset, the drug is prescribed according to the following scheme: one tablet twice a day for five days. Monthly starts on the second or third day after cancellation.

Sometimes women are interested in whether it is possible to cause dufaston monthly, trying to "timed" their offensive by a certain date. In no case should you take them uncontrollably, without seeing a gynecologist, as the consequences of self-medication hormonal drugs can be most unpredictable.

Dyufaston for delaying menstruation

The drug is of little use in order to delay the onset of menstruation, despite a common misconception. It is based on the fact that the delay in menstruation sometimes occurs after taking DUFASTON, however, this process is practically uncontrollable and its unauthorized use for these purposes can provoke a serious hormonal imbalance .

Scanty months after djufastona

In cases where the drug is prescribed for the regulation of the menstrual cycle due to the lack of progesterone or the absence of ovulation, after the first few cycles of its intake, the actual menstruation may be unaffiliated and in the form of a brown "ointment." This is a normal process associated with the fact that the growth of the endometrium necessary to complete the second phase of the cycle is not yet sufficiently active.