Prayer to Peter and Fevronia for all occasions

To get invisible support in solving personal problems, to establish relationships with relatives, to ask for love and the birth of a child can be from the Higher Forces. Prayer to Peter and Fevronia has inexhaustible strength, which can be read in different situations, most importantly, do it with a pure heart and with love for the Lord.

Prayer to Saint Peter and Fevronia

The saints lived on the earth in the XVIII century, and the famous princely family had three children. Shortly before his death, the spouses decided to accept monasticism, and death overtook them at one time. As an exception, the spouses were buried in one coffin. It is worth noting that Peter and Fevronia are not revered in the church either as great martyrs or as God's servants. The persecution for them was associated with their immense love for each other. Honored in the temples of this holy couple on June 25.

The prince and the princess are a model of an ideal family that has gone through many obstacles, but at the same time retained its feelings. Many people turn to these saints to solve issues related to personal life. Prayer to Peter and Fevronia of Murom can be pronounced, both by women and by men.

  1. To get help, repeat the text is recommended every day, and do it better in the morning and evening. To do this is necessary with a pure soul and with a sincere faith in God's help.
  2. It is better if the prayer of the icon of Peter and Fevronia is learned by heart, but if the memory is bad, then you can read it from the sheet, but it should be thoughtful pronunciation, and not a simple scan.
  3. You are allowed to say the text to yourself, aloud and in a whisper.
  4. The prayer of Peter and Fevronia must be repeated three times with each utterance.
  5. It is best to read the prayer text, having before our eyes the image of the saints.

If there is an opportunity to visit the city of Murom (here in the temple are the relics of saints ), then do it. A huge number of people claim that after touching the relics of saints their lives have changed for the better. On holidays, a huge line of believers is built in the church, who want to touch the shrine. Approaching her, cross yourselves and mentally turn to the saints with your request.

Prayer to Peter and Fevronia about love

The most popular are the prayer texts that help to meet your soul mate. The prayer of Peter and Fevronia for love can be pronounced both by men and women.

  1. In the morning immediately after awakening, you need to wash holy water , which you can take in the church.
  2. Go to the temple and pray near the icon of Christ and the Virgin, asking for sincere love. Near the images it is recommended to put lighted candles.
  3. After that, you can go home and then before the image the prayer of Peter and Fevronia to love is read. Do it better alone, to concentrate completely on the process.

Prayer to Peter and Fevronia on Marriage

A huge number of women dream of meeting their "prince", with whom it will be possible to build strong relationships. Saints Petro and Fevronia will be the best assistants in this matter. You can address them in your own words, having stated a request from a pure heart. Prayer to Peter and Fevronia of Murom can be pronounced in the church and at home, most importantly, to have before their eyes their image. It is important not to lose hope that personal life will be trebled in the best way. Read the prayer text every morning.

Prayer and Fevronia's Prayer for Marriage

It is a mistake to believe that only women ask the Higher Powers for help in solving problems relating to their personal lives . A strong prayer to Peter and Fevronia will help men to find love and meet a worthy companion of life. Thanks to faith and love of the Lord, you can count on building a strong family. It is important to say a prayer before the image of the saints, having placed a lit candle next to it.

Prayer to Peter and Fevronia from a mistress

To strengthen family ties and force a husband to forget about another woman, one can turn to the Higher Powers. Thanks to the prayer below, a man next to another woman will have a feeling of anxiety, and next to his wife, he will feel peace and pacification. It is necessary to put in the bedroom an icon of saints and every day before it should read a prayer text. Prayer to Prince Peter and Fevronia can be pronounced when the husband is at home, and if he is not, then next to the image of the saints one must put their icon.

Prayer to Peter and Fevronia about the family

Women are the keeper of the hearth, so they are more likely than men to pray for peace in the family. The presented sacred text will save from various quarrels and misunderstandings, will preserve love and strengthen family ties. Prayer to Peter and Princess Fevronia is a request for help in the difficult and happy moments of her life. Repeat it is necessary every day in the morning immediately after awakening.

Prayer and Fevronia's Prayer for Conception

To saints they turn for help not only to strengthen family relations , but also to conceive a child. According to statistics, many families face the problem of procreation. Even considering the numerous methods of treatment, it is often impossible to achieve a result, and then people begin to pray to the Higher Powers to realize their desire. There is evidence that the prayer of Peter and Fevronia about pregnancy works wonders, and many women managed to give birth to a healthy child, even with a diagnosis of "infertility."

Prayer for reconciliation with Peter and Fevronia

It is difficult to meet people who would never quarrel with close relatives. Prayer to Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia helps to forge relations and strengthen the alliance, even if it is on the verge of breaking. It is important that people have a desire to establish contact, rather than do it through force. It is worth noting that the prayer before the icon of Peter and Fevronia is much stronger than conspiracies and rituals, because it contains a great love. With the regular reading of the sacred texts, everything will come to normal, the grievances will recede, and the moment of reconciliation of souls will come.