Holy water - properties

The water molecule has an amazing property to vary depending on the surrounding energy and carry in itself certain information. Scientists have repeatedly argued that the water, charged before the war pictures, during crystallization has a sharp chaotic pattern. But the water brought from the walls of the temple is good and can perform miracles.

There are several places where you can take holy water. First, it is a church or a temple. In places of human repentance, clergymen harvest a special container, from where everyone can collect miraculous water. Secondly, these are certain sources, with which legends and beliefs are related. For example, the source can be a saint, if it appeared from a lightning strike or an oak grows near a spring, which was planted by a famous monk hundreds of years ago, etc. Thirdly, the water acquires a holy property when its source is located on the territory of the monastery.

On the day of the Baptism of the Lord, all water in natural springs becomes holy and is considered the most healing. According to the ancestors it is believed that if you bathe in an ice hole on this day, the whole year the diseases will bypass you.

Properties of holy water

Holy water is able to heal from the evil eye, both young children and adults. If you feel suddenly bad after a walk or a day's work, but for the disease there are no clear reasons - perform a rite of washing with holy water. To do this, first, read the "Our Father" prayer above the mug with the holy water three times, then drink a little water, wash your face and necessarily soak your hands, feet and stomach alternately. Similar actions help to save the child from the evil eye of random passers-by.

How to drink holy water?

It is believed that the daily use of holy water helps to get rid of illnesses and misfortunes. But such water will only bring happiness and health to righteous people. Therefore, taking miraculous water, one can not violate the commandments of the Lord.

What else can you do with holy water?

Holy water is able to heal not only the body, but also helps protect the house from evil spirits. Knowledgeable people recommend walking the house clockwise and sprinkling the corners with miraculous water, then you need to go around the house with the church candle in the same direction. Doing such simple rituals , you will settle in the house peace and quiet.