Baptism of the Lord traditions and customs - everything you need to know about this day

The baptism of the Lord is included in the list of the most significant holidays for Christians. It is customary to celebrate on January 19. Many important traditions are associated with this day, for example, the preparation of an owl and swimming in an ice hole. Preceded to him by Christmas, which is considered an ideal time for using magic.

Rituals and rituals at Epiphany

The powerful positive energy of this day will contribute to the success in implementing different rituals to attract financial flow, love, health and other benefits. Rituals for Epiphany should be carried out taking into account important rules, for example, one can not tell anyone about the use of magic. It is necessary to conduct rituals in solitude, so that nothing distracts and it is important to follow instructions exactly.

Rite of Baptism for money

The festival combines ecclesiastical and pagan traditions. Everyone has a chance to ask the Higher Forces for help in obtaining financial prosperity. Money rituals for the Epiphany are performed with the use of sacred water, which must be taken in the church. Holding a container of water, you need to go around the rooms of your house, telling the conspiracy: "Sacred water came to the house and brought prosperity." Losses will pass this house, and prosperity will come with every passing day. than I will not know! After that, leave it anywhere, and wash yourself in the morning. "

Rite of Epiphany for Luck

Rituals aimed at attracting luck and happiness are included in the list of the most popular. Before you perform the magical rites of the Epiphany, it is recommended to purify yourself from the accumulated negative. Meditation of forgiveness is suitable for this purpose. Remember all the people who had to be offended, even mentally, and ask them for forgiveness. Then go to bed.

The next day light the church candle , take a slice of black bread in your left hand, and in the right hand - a glass with holy water. Looking at the flame, repeat the three times the plot, and then, eat the bread, washing it down with liquid. Put out the candle with your fingers. It is important to light it on the same day in the church near the icon of Jesus Christ. During this, turn to God and pray for help. After this, go home and do not eat until sunset.

"As the truth is that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that the Lord gave us five loaves, so it is true that the Lord is merciful." Turn my God, my luck, from east to west, from south to north. my threshold, and the poor grief will disappear from the path of the serpent in the womb, it's the way to it, I'll wrap myself in a talisman, I'll tie myself with silver-gold, do not count my money, I never need to know the grief-grief. I close the lock with a key, I throw the key into the river. Language, Castle, Amen (3 times). "

Rituals for Baptism for Love

It is believed that the performed magical actions at home, do not differ in their strength from those that were realized in the church or other places of power. Trivia, many attributed to the black magic, but it is not so, because there are simple white rites in the Epiphany, which, if properly carried out, will not have any consequences. It is necessary to prepare a photo of the chosen one in full growth, a wax candle and water.

To start the main action should be in the early morning. Place yourself in front of the lighted candle, putting the photo in front of you. Looking at the man, imagine him next to him. Dampen the index and middle finger of the right hand in the water and draw a cross on the photo, moving over his body. After that, say a special plot, kiss the picture and hold it over the flame to evaporate the moisture. At the next stage, burn the photo, and rub the ash between your fingers. It remains only to take a shower.

"On the mountain the lonely cross stood wooden, washed by rain, heated by the sun, (name) waited - finally waited." Go, (name), go, dear, to the wooden cross, to the solitary cross, to the eternal cross, embrace it firmly You stay with me forever (name), you will not leave from now on, you will be faithful to me until the death day, in the day of a clear word I say - yes, I sanctify them by the truth. "

The Ritual of Baptism for Health

Church holidays are the ideal time to take care of your health by conducting special magical manipulations. In most cases, they need water, which on that day is very powerful. For those who are interested in what rituals Baptism does for health, it is suggested to do the following: dial a full bath of hot water and add a little consecrated liquid in the church.

Put your own cross on the bottom and lie in the bath so that the water covers the entire body. Lie in a quiet environment for about 15 minutes, introducing yourself as a healthy person. After taking a bath it is not recommended to wipe the body with a towel and it is better to let the liquid dry itself. Epiphany night is a suitable time for carrying out the described action, but still it can be done on the first day of Epiphany.

Rites of Baptism for Marriage

Girls who dream of going under the crown, more often than others, resort to magical help. With the correct implementation of actions, a powerful energy flow is created that helps loving hearts to connect. For those who are interested in what rituals need to be done at the Epiphany to marry, we suggest that you pay attention to the option: you need to go to the intersection at night and, having risen in the middle, repeat the plot on all four sides, and then go straight home without turning around : "A man's soul, narrowed, let us follow me to my house: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Amen. "

Baptism - what do you need to know?

With each church holiday, certain traditions are associated, which were formed over a long period of time. According to the Christian canons, every believing person must observe them. The baptism of the Lord, whose traditions and customs are known to many, has its prohibitions, for example, on this day one can not quarrel and wish for others evil. There are other customs for baptism, which are associated with prohibitions:

  1. You can not be greedy, especially holy water. Do not type in the church a lot of fluid and pushing, standing in line, as it can bring trouble.
  2. The baptism of the Lord, whose different traditions and customs have nothing to do with magic, categorically forbids divination on this day. Suitable times for their holding are Christmas Eve.
  3. Do not abuse alcohol, enough and a glass of wine.

It is important to understand what is done for Baptism, so the following religious traditions and customs are mandatory: going to church for service, swimming in an ice hole, using holy water and preparing a festive table. You can still pray and turn to the Higher Powers for help. There is one interesting tradition: the day before, a woman should chalk small crosses over the windows and the door. This will protect the house from various troubles. With holy water you can sprinkle the corners of the house to expel the evil spirits.

Can I work on the Epiphany Eve?

This question is asked by believers during all the great holidays. The baptism of the Lord, whose traditions and customs in this respect are not different from Easter or Christmas, prohibits physical labor. As for cleaning in the house, if the landlady has not managed to bring the house in order, then she can do it, but only before lunch, so that there is time for a hike in the church and prayer. It is forbidden to wash things on this church holiday and two days after it. Those who are interested in how to celebrate Epiphany Eve should know that this day is meant for spiritual enrichment and getting rid of negativity.

When to recruit water for Epiphany?

One of the most important traditions - a set of water, which on this day has special properties. Jesus, receiving the sacrament of baptism in the Jordan River, blessed all the waters, and they became sacred. Epiphany water, its properties and abilities are still studied by scientists. According to the customs, she is washed, drunk and used in various situations. To date, the following properties of this liquid have been observed:

  1. Heals diseases. People from different corners of the Earth confirm that the holy water helped them to recover from various diseases.
  2. Improves mood. Drinking water is recommended for those who suffer from depression, because it helps to heal mental trauma.
  3. Exorcises the evil. To cleanse your house of evil, you need to sprinkle the corners of the house with water brought from the church.

The consecration of water at the Epiphany takes place during the Liturgy on January 18. If the consecrated liquid is poured into ordinary drinking water, then it too will acquire incredible properties. People believe that even tap water becomes sacred, so it is recommended to wash it. It is worth noting that such a liquid does not deteriorate, so it can be stored at home for an unlimited amount of time.

Immersion in the hole at Epiphany

The tradition of the water consecration emerged from the time when Prince Vladimir consecrated Russia. Now the ritual is performed by clergymen, reading special prayers and immersing the cross in a pond. The baptism of the Lord, traditions and customs of which have been observed for more than one century, imply the fulfillment of the action after the Liturgy. It is worth noting that the custom of swimming in the hole, was in paganism, and so was the initiation into the soldiers. It is believed that the body after washing is cleansed of illnesses, and the soul from sins. A hole in the Baptism of the Lord can be made independently and better if it takes the form of a cross.

What can you eat on Epiphany Eve?

All important church holidays mean observance of strict fasting. According to church canons, in the morning and before the first star appears in the sky, it is necessary to completely abandon food, using only water. This information should satisfy people who are interested in how to fast on the Epiphany Eve. According to the customs for the festive table it is allowed to sit down only after prayer. Necessarily on the table there is osovo and Uzvar. The first meal is intended to commemorate the deceased, and the drink is drunk in honor of future children. On the table you can put only lean dishes.

How to cook owl on the Epiphany Eve?

Kutia or osovo is an important dish on the festive table, which actually means butter (juice) of pressed seeds. According to the Christian tradition, they try to cook it in the Epiphany. According to existing traditions, this dish is usually worn in the evening at the home of their relatives, treating them. It is believed that a person who ate ostvovo, will live long and do not know the problems. For its preparation use peas, rice or barley. According to existing customs, honey, dried fruits, poppy seeds and nuts are put into the recipe. The recipe for cooking is simple and can be handled by anyone if desired.



  1. Grain pre-clean and wash. After that, they are poured with water, soaking for a couple of hours. At the end of the time, pour the grain into a colander and send it to a pan of water.
  2. Add salt to taste and cook over a low heat for 1.5-2 hours.
  3. Poppy boil with boiling water, in which wheat was cooked, and then, grind it in a meat grinder. Dissolve the liquid and honey.
  4. Finished grain pour honey syrup, and chopped nuts pierce in a dry frying pan. Mix all the ingredients.