Plot for food

In love magic, a separate group consists of love conspiracies for food. It is believed that food is an excellent conductor of energy, and also it can react to thoughts, emotions and words of a person. That is why since ancient times they say that it is necessary to prepare "with love".

It is also worth mentioning the consequences of plotting on food and if everything is done correctly, the results will be only positive and then the object of adoration will have feelings, passion and desire. If mistakes were made during the ritual and conspiracy reading, then such negative consequences can be observed: poor health, problems with the nervous system, exacerbation of chronic diseases and problems in different spheres of life.

A plot of love for homemade food

The presented ritual can be used to refresh the relationship and bring about a new stream of feelings in the chosen one. Before you start cooking, you need to close your eyes and think only about the good moments associated with the object of adoration. During cooking, it is important to think about the chosen one. Movement during processing of products should be smooth. When the dish is ready, you need to hold hands over it and say these words:

"To you is the" name "of love - in food is my love.

The food in you is my love in you.

What will be inside - there is no way out.

Eat, love, eat, but praise.

What you eat is more delicious, so love me more. "

After that, serve the finished dish to the chosen one. It is important not to tell anyone about the privor.

A plot to eat for the love of a man with blood

It is strong enough, but also a dangerous rite, so it is necessary to use it, as a last resort. Beginners are not recommended to conduct this ritual. During the reading of the conspiracy, the increased concentration and stability of emotions is important. Blood creates an astral connection between lovers. Prepare a favorite dish of the object of adoration and add a drop of your own blood to it. Then say these words:

"(My beloved's name), blaze with love for me, let the love heat penetrate into every your cell, into every your blood, into every your bone. Let all your thoughts be about me, and all your will in my fist. To (name of the beloved) lived only with me, breathed only with me. Love me more than your life, live always in my fate. "

The conspiracy should be repeated three times. After a short time, you can see the first results.

Plot for food, namely the dough

Since ancient times, women have been preparing various baked goods, treating them to their men. During the kneading of the test, magical plots were used to strengthen the senses and attract love. It is necessary to knead the dough with yeast and wait until it rises. After this, mixing it, repeat this conspiracy:

"Anna Mans goal of Plashelkov is new. I will pray and worship King Osinil. Cut him and subdue him, the dog of Boyarsky and peasants' and monastry's, black and white, pestagor and yellow, that is, he was born blind from generation, and would become stupid like a wet body, dying of wet calves, mole wet yellow. How tightly and how cruelly the spruce can be planted in cheese, the ground is veneered and the fir-trees tied more tightly and the tougher part would be bound by fast feet to feet, hands to hands, jaws to jaws, belly to belly. Language is my key. Amen."

Repeat the conspiracy seven times, and then bake a cake. It is important to knead the dough intensively and for a long time, transferring all your feelings and love to him. Please note that ready-made pastries are for the lover only, so you do not need to treat other people to it.