10 signals about the help your body is giving

Sometimes our body signals that can not be ignored. Hair loss, stratification of nails and much more can be a symptom of both stress and serious health problems, which you probably do not suspect.

Our body talks to us, giving different signs and it's important not to ignore them. If your appearance has somehow changed or you have something hurts somewhere, then immediately consult a doctor. Health is one of the main things in our life, and you can not buy it for any money. So take care of it and take care of it. And we will tell you what to look for.

1. Puffiness

Fungus, cracked feet and other leg diseases can lead to puffiness. You can notice, for example, that the shoes become tight and tight. Puffiness, too, can be the cause of heart failure.

2. Dry skin

The body is dehydrated, and the skin does not receive the necessary nutrients due to diabetes, malnutrition and hypothyroidism. Also, the sharp changes in air temperature can affect dryness.

3. Hirsutism

A similar term refers to the abundant growth of vegetation on the face and body. The main sign of this disease is a violation of the menstrual cycle or its absence. The causes of the appearance may be a tumor or disruption of the pituitary gland.

4. Wrinkles

In addition to the fact that wrinkles are a consequence of age-related changes, they can also talk about the presence of diseases. For example, about osteoporosis. The appearance of wrinkles and bone health are inextricably linked.

5. Hair loss

Dryness of hair and their loss can be a sign of thyroid disease. Also, hair loss can be the result of various infections, oncological diseases, gastritis or hormonal disorders.

6. Skin redness

Redness of the face is associated with a variety of diseases. It can be a chronic skin disease. Also, redness appears if you are under constant stress, often exposed to sunlight and temperature changes, suffering from infectious and fungal diseases, or your body lacks vitamins.

7. Cracks

Cracks on the skin appear as dryness in the eyes, in the corners of the lips, on the skin and joints. The causes of dryness are a lack of vitamins, diabetes, allergies, stomatitis and complicated herpes.

8. Acanthosis

Acanthosis refers to coarsening of the skin, manifested as black spots on the neck. The skin darkens and becomes denser. The causes of this condition are more serious diseases. As a rule, this is the early stage of cancerous tumors. Most often occurs in people with excess weight and diabetes.

9. Deformation of nails

If dents appear on your fingers, and the nails get brown or yellowish, then it's time to see a doctor. The causes may be psoriasis or arthritis.

10. Eye yellowness

Eyes are not only a mirror of the soul, but also a reflection of the state of the liver. The causes are hepatitis, cirrhosis, gallbladder disease.

As you can see, your body gives you unambiguous signs. All you need is not to ignore and rather to contact specialists. Any delay can be too expensive.